Arcane Odyssey Dark Sea Update: Official Launch Trailer


@Tobi god damn you cooked for the soundtrack my guy :pray:

Thank you. :pray:

I wish YouTube didn’t lower the sound, it’s usually much louder but maybe it’s just me. Spotify will redeem the piece. :sob:


oh dope, do you know when it’s dropping?

not sure, but hopefully as soon as possible.


do you know who made the teaser?

HailFirz - Director, Producer, Composer, Graphic Design, Recorded Clips
galaga49 - Script Feedback, Planning, Recorded Clips
techlevel80 - Consultant, Script Feedback, Planning
Misinput - Recorded Clips
CrimsonCreate - Recorded Clips
Purpledragon300 - Recorded Clips
Astralworks - Recorded Clips
Selectorch - Recorded Clips

not reading it

The credits are in the teaser video I believe. I wasn’t a part of it so I’m not sure. I don’t want to give the wrong info. :pray:

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give the wrong info

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