poor sand lovers, no curse evolutions whatsoever…
maybe something like Prismatic or Mirror magic
Gunpowder magic. Also sand could have heat because deserts are hot, and they are also cold. they are also dry too so sand could be heat… yea nvm.
explosion magic without the explosion
could actually work if its like sand but explodes on contact with heat attacks
explosion but instead its explosion is a status effect that goes off when stacked 3 times.
idk technically sand could go to snow but no (or ash)
could be a cool explosive DoT, with a status effect like “Charged”, where once it stacks high enough the target entity detonates like a gunpowder barrel
or if missed and impacting with a surface like the ground, it leaves a pile of gunpowder residue, which can cling to someone if they walk on it, or ignite by itself if a heat-type magic clashes with it
but this isn’t a suggestion. I do think we should add heat to sands mutation though due to hot deserts @amiuri
SECRET and EVIL scorch mutation…
oh wait, i think you could give phoenix to ash since the method of a phoenix’s rebirth is to first burn up into ash
Did I see…
We know that hecate shards will start dropping at lvl 300
We know that lost magic will requier 600 magic points
its THEOREIZED that ancient magics will require 2 or more hecate shards
we DO NOT have concrete list of mutations
But the mutations that are on the list have some sources that backs up their existance. Only like 10 magics are in question because of “They were mentioned on now-deleted magic list”, everything else has a source that can be seen when hovered.
Glass should be able to mutate into Shatter and Slash, it’s litteraly the closest magic to both
Does Vetex even know what a neutron is
Vetex does things first, figures them out later
yeah neutron magic is a combination of up quark magic and down quark magic
Two doses down quark magic one dose up quark magic!
strange quark magic is meta the clashrates are too high
i would hope anyone his age knows what a neutron is, or that he’s at least referencing neutron stars
He probably just saw neutron star in some news/science fiction thingy and just thinks a neutron is something incredibly heavy
now i need to invest for life or healing
the troubles of a mage
part 1