Arcane Odyssey Fighting Styles Tier List

You’re never actually hitting that though. People wonder what the counterplay is and it is extremely simple. ‘Hitbox Walling’ is a strategy where you make as many barriers in terms of hitboxes between you and the enemy player as possible. Shot suffers extremely harshly from this strategy as it has no clash value or clash potential, its hitbox stops like a car running into a wall the moment it comes in contact with any block whatsoever.

Every class in the game can do this, except for maybe juggernaut. All you have to do versus this playstyle is be constantly using blast/pulsar/any VFX creating fighting style skill/axeslash/smash. It isn’t viable, and in larger ganks you are somehow more useless than your non shot-spam counterparts. The playstyle really is not that viable, but it is remarkable to a degree which is why I even bothered initially mentioning it. It is true that it has potential for some of the highest single hit damage in the game, but otherwise it is almost useless, you can easily make smash deal upwards of 700.

@Charon roll the tapes

just cause it’s hard doesn’t mean you can’t hit it, takes aim training

If all the clips of him hitting it are in wide open fields versus like sand users or other berserkers at munera garden I don’t wanna hear it.

he smokes mages w it too :man_shrugging:

its legit hard to learn but once you get it down it gets more consistent, I’m not an aim god so I only use it for punishes but it’s the best way to play FS rn if you learn it

i’ve been running iron leg and boxing this entire time

when i didn’t have a second fighting style beside basic i tested something out where i used the crash on iron leg and the crash on basic
they did the same damage

can confirm, i have a hard time hitting 2nd magic fireballs
i’ve decided to use a 20% double beam as practice though

also is 20% shot just a beam but worse

It does more damage than beam by a lot

Does basic fighting style get bleed damage?

no but i don’t notice DoT ever because bleeding is basically nothing

I can understand why basic is in D, though I think it should be high B or low A. As you said it deals identical damage to Thermo fist without the burn after-effect, though Basic Combat is more of a “here and now” damage type; No gimmicks or requirements. As for speed that really depends on usage. I’m capable of blitzing around people with it (though I would attribute most of it to my attack speed enchantments.)

Either way it’s a bit unfair to chalk it all the way down to D because it lacks a gimmick; It’s a simple style that specializes in doing raw damage without having to constantly worry about keep any kind of meter in check.

Cannon Fist deserves B or A. Despite the ammo requirement that’s hardly an issue since I can guarantee most players have an overwhelming abundance of cannon balls from the amount of sailors’ chests in-game. Touching on its damage, It deals the same amount as basic. . .if you’re using Light Cannonballs. Almost every other cannonball outclasses the damage of other fighting styles (combined with the bleeding effect.) A personal liking of mine with Cannon Fist is the PVE as well as PVP capability when it comes to range and making space. A good amount of grapeshot or regular Cannonballs provide a needed bit of space in the heat of a battle.

Other than these I’d say it’s a pretty accurate tier list. I haven’t tried boxing so I can’t make any accurate judgments but I’m sure it can’t be worse than a C tier.

Bye bye scalding fun you were very appreciated

I don’t have many clips of me landing shot in enclosed spaces but I assure you, you can land 20%.

Over half of these are in munera garden and the rest are 2+v1’s where the guy is running away from multiple people

In actual combat scenarios where it’s equal numbers such as fighting someone in whitesummit or at palo town it proves extremely difficult to land. It’s extremely buggy and I think that your success with it is primarily due to the casting animation you use for it, since that does effect the hitbox.

Are you high?

Because at the end of the day, I’m still landing 20% shots? :joy:

dude why is sailor fist so high dude ur never using sailor fist without ice or lightning and its literally outclassed like its not even special.

basic combat is B tier if you tried it you would know that its the third best fighting style in the game rn above the lackluster sailor style. its like shadow magic it doesnt synergize with anything but its still good imo.

cannon fist is garbage i agree with that. u cant under any circumstance put boxing below canon fist rn tho xD. ive never seen cannon fist pvper besides me and when i tried it its slightly worse than boxing

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Also, only 1 clip is 2+v1? LOL

Casting animation affecting hitbox… Alright. I now know enough about you.

It does, it effects where the hitbox originates from making it easier (or more difficult) to land depending on the animation.

Blast is effected by this
Crash is effected by this
Rushdown is effected by this
Smash is effected by this
SHOCKWAVE smash is effected by this
Beam is effected by this
List goes waaaaay on

It seems like a small thing but having it centered on the torso of your character model and a little bit to the front is extremely beneficial for sniping, when sniping with either a right or left hand there is a small offset that makes the hitbox not centered properly on your target.

Bro if you’re bad at aiming just say that. Save yourself from embarrassment :fr:

Cannonfist is pretty situational I agree, but it has its uses. The projectile velocity is too low for it to be effective at range as it attempts to be and your shots will often drop off before reaching the target. This wouldn’t be a problem if the impact hitboxes/explosion sizes were bigger, but there are muskets with better aoes than cannonfist somehow.