Arcane Odyssey Fighting Styles Tier List

Hi, thank you for reading my post in advance. I made this tier list as a way for newer players coming into the role of berserker/warlord/warlock. This is primarily my opinion, but do note, I have a lot of experience with 2/3 of those roles. A lot of my time is spent optimizing my builds for PvP and I enjoy being technical with my strategies in PvP. This tier list ranks success that I have seen with players using different fighting styles.

Introduction aside, here is what all rankings mean:
All rankings are relative to each other. It is a zero sum game as when you pick one fighting style over the other, you are accepting all the disadvantages that this might bring. Basic fighting style (not that it won’t be discussed further later) is ranked so low for example because it is fundamentally inferior to almost all other fighting styles; It lacks DOT, exceptional damage, speed, and survivability.


A: Meta Defining. Fighting styles here are apart of the most effective tactic available across the board. You can run these on almost on any fighting style build, and it will be extremely hard to go wrong.
B: Sub-Meta Defining. You are still putting yourself at an advantage, but items in this category are not nearly as effective as the first tier. There is still almost an order of magnitude separating them.
C: Average. Items ranked here are either unremarkable or in a perfect spot. As the game irons out and furthers its balance changes, expect items here to become much more common.
D: Disadvantage. You are actively putting yourself at a disadvantage by primarily using items in this tier. Expect items in this tier to be gimmicky or poorly designed, but that is not always the case.
F: Extreme Disadvantage. Using an item in this tier is the effective arcane odyssey equivalent of blowing off your leg from the knee with a shotgun. You are playing with such a large handicap that you might as well be playing the game on a veritable hard mode. Most people either do not realize the extent of this disadvantage or are using it themselves. These fighting styles need total overhauls or completely new additions to make them viable.

Now onto my ranking explanations. These are still fighting styles, no matter how much I talk them up they won’t be

  • A Tier:

    • Thermofist has extremely good interactions across the board, it is the highest DPS and fastest fighting style currently attainable. It scales extremely well with attack speed and has led to a sort of sub-culture of fighting style users who rely on airtime and well-aimed shots/uses of axe slash.
      • This fighting style is exceptionally good as a primary fighting style and functions well with imbuements due to its added damage over time effect, which is around 7% of the damage dealt on the initial hit. Just 40 intensity is enough to increase the status effect duration by 50%, meaning a single well placed shot on an optimized build can deal over 500 damage over a long range with minimal startup.
    • Iron Leg is a high AoE high damage fighting style. It has the highest area of effect out of all fighting styles, and if built properly can effectively make its moves almost as braindead and easy to spam as pulsar, albeit with less damage. It also has high survivability and incredible interactions with warlock/warlord builds, one of the proper meta builds for it being crystal warlock. This fighting style is also notorious for its tankiness, as a resilience focus can easily net you over 1k health when you build into defense.
      • Overall, amazing fighting style, equal to or better than thermofist. This fighting style grants the user a lot of options but lacks in approach, which can be made up for by getting attack size armor such as sunken gear.
  • B Tier:

    • Sailor Style or as some people call it Sailor Fist can be strong on some magics but people will often find it lacking compared to the first two. It deals similar damage for the added seawater mechanic, meaning you will often have to drop what you are doing in a fight just to drink a bottle of seawater. This can range from menial to making you lose a fight depending on how low you are. You are discouraged from using M1’s with this fighting style since they cost almost equal seawater energy to moves for much less DPS output.
      • Sailor style gets a B instead of a C ranking for its interactions with warlock specifically. Lightning warlock is able to easily incapacitate most rushdown playstyles and even scale up to iron leg or thermofist in terms of effectiveness. This is only one interaction though and most magics are not nearly as useful as ice, lightning, or snow.
  • D Tier:

    • Cannonfist has its use as a secondary fighting style, but its ammo mechanic, lack of airstall on the only fighting style it’d be useful on (lol), and poor DPS overall makes it an easy D tier.
    • Basic Combat is fine primarily, just is it objectively outclassed by almost every other fighting style in its tier and above it. It deals almost equal damage to thermofist by itself, and far less DPS. It has unremarkable speed, survivability, and attack size as well. If it had its own niche or was more effective as a ‘one-size-fits-all’ fighting style, I would be a lot more forgiving. Its primary use is that it is extremely helpful for getting to max level, since you don’t have to farm mastery to unlock its skills. After that, it falls off harshly.
  • F Tier:

    • Boxing. This is in my personal opinion almost indisputable. There is absolutely no reason to use this fighting style as is. It is an early game fighting style most players make the mistake of getting and is extremely deceptive in its description as to what it actually does. Its knockback is relative to the TARGET’S level compared to the USER’S level. Fighting an equal level opponent like you might while progressing makes this passive completely worthless. It is a contradiction of rushdown playstyles as well, since you are dealing less damage for more knockback. This is literally the inverse of the tradeoff you make in your technique customization.
      • I don’t think that there is more of a disadvantage you can put yourself at in terms of fighting style than boxing. You deal almost 20% less damage than iron leg, almost 30% less than thermofist, have less speed than the latter, and the smallest possible size out of all fighting styles. It is almost impossible to land boxing moves that aren’t overtuned to the point of absurdity, and then they just deal no damage. I mean it when I say this, under no circumstances, ever pick this fighting style. It will make your progression much more tedious and much more difficult for absolutely no reward.
        • You lose most of your combo potential on lower level targets, making what is normally fly swatting for other fighting styles into a game of cat and mouse. Your moves become consistently impossible to land in PvP. You have wind’s passive with none of the special magic interactions that make wind good. There is no self synergy for building wind boxing and the passive does not stack. I wish it were not so, but boxing is the heavyweight champ of being garbage.

Thank you for reading this far, if you have any questions let me know. I don’t think I did the bottom 3 dirty, but maybe someone might be able to change my perspective on that.

To be honest, Boxing’s +15% passive blocking power makes well for a second fighting style, plus the longer crash distance for mobility. Aside from that, it’s objectively mid to actually use for fighting with the style itself.


I think that the extra blocking power might be useful, but you’re not going to be using boxing moves anyway. Might as well take out the middleman and just get a shield, then an actual secondary.

Problem is you can’t use shields without 20 Weapons. Besides, you have infinite durability with the Boxing gloves anyway.

Based on the list I have a warlock with explosion magic and I’ve been considering dropping iron leg for thermo fist. That seem worth it?

I’ve also got a magma warlock whomst I use with sailor’s fist for the scalding status, but thermo might also scale really well with magma due to synergies.

Be the judge here and guide me.

i have boxing as a second fighting style and just use iron leg on its own
i don’t know how thermo fist is gonna help iron leg when i can’t refill the meter with IL until 1.12

Basic Combat dominates all.

after I finish editting this video im gonna make a 2x basic combat berserker file hehehahaha

Why is Basic in D tier? It’s better than Sailor Fist. They should swap if anything, Sailor’s is hot ass.

So I have a question about which fighting styles I should run. I currently have 1 warlock, and plan to make a warlord and another warlock.

Warlock 1

This file I have already maxed, with a 100 magic 150 strength build. My magic is magma.

Before I played Arcane Odyssey, I planned on running Sailor Style with this magic, with the idea that it would be useful for ship combat as I can always jump in the water and create magma platforms to get around. However, I actually find this pretty worthless right now since you get no sealed chests unless you sink the other ship with your cannons and rams. It probably won’t have any use at all until I get to the dark sea. It’s also really inconvenient with bosses like Calvus and stuff, and STILL not to mention that you have to kill 3 sea monsters to get it???

The 2 other fighting styles that I’ve used are iron leg and thermo fist. I thought thermo would be good with magma but idk I don’t think it fits the magma playstyle, and usually by the time I switch to it my heat meter is half gone. Plus there’s the laggy M1 bug that happens sometimes

As for iron leg, I did like it a lot and am considering switching back to, just the lack of range with crash when it gets imbued is annoying. I think it would fit best if I go for a defense/intensity build though since I hear that iron leg resistance focus is really good.

Summary: I think I should switch back to iron leg, but lmk if you disagree?


My idea here is 120 strength 130 weapons, running at least 1 Argos weapon and a Silent Blades. I have no idea about the fighting style here but I’m guessing iron leg is most fitting?

Warlock 2

This one, which I contemplated between warlock and mage for light/shadow combo, would be a light warlock and I’m thinking about thermo but not sure. Thermo would sure combo better than magma and would be much better with an attack speed build. I currently don’t see a reason to use other fighting styles with it.

So what do you think?

Actual tier list.

S Tier: Thermo Fist
A Tier: Iron Leg
B Tier: Basic Combat
C Tier: Boxing, Cannon Fist
D Tier: Sailor Fist

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File 1: Thermofist is optimal. Regardless of it not being ‘Magma’ playstyle, you are focused more into strength and are naturally going to be much more reliant on your fighting style. You need to be constantly moving and using attacks with thermofist. Treat your magic as an imbuement with an occasional blast as attempting to use things like explosion will stun you for far too long for such little reward.
File 2: I wasn’t the best warlord player, but you’re primarily going to be reliant on your weapon and not your fighting style. Unless you’re intending on shot-spam don’t put your strength to over 115, as that is the highest you need it for the final halberd skill. Iron Leg seems like a good pick.
File 3: I have a light thermo warlock. It’s pretty gimmicky, would not use it until the next update. You still suffer full endlag regardless of your mobility. You’re able to freely use extremely high hit count moves though, since your attack speed is so ridiculously high. This is only useful on smash, since shot ends up dealing less damage at 20 shots than just 1.

I’m not sure if magma warlock has any use for scalding, though thermofist would absolutely benefit more from magma than sailor style. This is because thermofist already has an extremely strong DOT, you would be able to apply melting + burning off of a single hit.

Not in my personal opinion. Explosion has a good interaction with iron leg because of stats currently being positively multiplicative towards size, unlike most other fighting styles which heavily lack size. It’s a tradeoff between damage or hit consistency when you swap to thermofist.

It isn’t going to, swap thermo to another fighting style with more utility. Metapoly said earlier that boxing could be used as a substitute for mobility, maybe that might work for you?

Maybe in terms of flat DPS but it lacks synergy with any other fighting style or magic, unlike almost every other fighting style on the list. You hit them and then what? Thermofist deals much more damage than you, iron leg the same way. Sailor Style is ranked so high because of its synergies on warlock builds.

In terms of stats it’s superior. This isn’t a Warlock-only tier list, and even if it was, it’s still not even close to D tier. It has the second highest damage out of any Fighting Style, great speed, and its AoE is fine. Certain imbues can make it more optimal to suit your playstyle. Boring =/= bad.

Sailor Style has lower damage and lower speed than Basic Combat at max meter, which rapidly decreases if you’re not staying topped off to absolutely pitiful levels. At half meter, even Boxing clears Sailor Fist. The only imbues that are good for Sailor are Lightning, Ice and Snow, all of which decrease your damage further.

Sailor Fist Warlock builds are not good against any vaguely competent player. It’s a worthless Fighting Style until v1.12.

god I hate it when the reasoning behind something is “but bad aoe!!!”


like god, musket is the most… I can’t even come up with an insult good enough to describe it, but most people write it off because you have to aim, despite the fact that it’s main ability is basically a beam with more damage and much much more range

no, most players have not, hence the armies of mindless mages mingling in their midness

I don’t like this one because it uses S tier. It makes the items on them seem better than they actually are by moving the average or middle point.
Iron Leg and Thermo Fist are extremely comparable to each other, they don’t really outclass each other that badly. They have different uses, that is all.
Maybe you have good experience with basic combat? I wanna see why it has such a large following or if it’s just placebo. I often find that I get a massive DPS increase whenever I swap to almost any other fighting style on a new fighting style slot. Why do people defend it so much?

Boxing is not comparable to cannon fist especially as a primary. Cannonfist lacks knockback on M1’s or blocking stun, making it arguably the best close range fighting style.

Sailor Style gets such a bad rap. You cannot parry or block the stun, lightning warlock is objectively the best synergy however.

A vaguely competent player will be able to actively swap between imbuements mid combat in order to maximize damage.

so what basic combat has is: literal definition of average stats, except it’s damage is only matched by iron leg, all other fighting styles have about like 0.1-0.2 less damage multiplier

Because Thermo is that much better. It’s the best Fighting Style for 20% Shot by a mile.

It has a Trainer that upgrades it. He’s at Whitesummit.

When a full Lightning-imbued Sailor Fist Smash does the pitiful amount of damage that it does, who cares? I hope you realize how comically easy it is to out-trade Sailor Fist.

Congrats, now you’re managing saltwater and imbuements while also trying to deal with the fight at hand. And even then with the imbuement removed you’re still dealing pretty dogshit damage.

the guy upgrades basic combat? I thought he just taught it

he does I was just lying