Another sketchy headshot doodle I totally forgot to post. This one character belongs to my partner!
When you’re tired from dark sea expediton, but then you accidentally get your hand on the sharpy spikey areaa
super lit!!
Thank you!!
very guud kapitan
I feel like the eye is too big but idk
I really love the style you have going on here, especially the shine on the hair! :3
What’s their name and general lore if I may ask? Forgot to ask this on the arcanium sphere character, so is it okii if you include them as well? ^w^"
Correct, but it’s just a sketch afterall I didn’t put too much effort into it!
Thank you once again! Their name is Dante Salore, and I wish I could tell you more about their lore but they actually belong to my partner so they should know more than I do!
For the Arcspehere character, their name is Katharyn Corvus! They’re an amateur explorer that loves assisting other folks and friends and really enjoys fishing, despite their Paladin build and Plasma magic.
They’ve been cursed to use the arcsphere on their head but recently they’ve found out insanity might actually help break the sphere, however, breaking free from this curse comes with harsh consequences, either the sphere breaks first or they become chronically insane. I haven’t fleshed out much more but that’s a little taste of their story!!
Oooh, now that’s a very interesting story to tell! I am a writer so I do love me some good stories and fascinating characters. If you ever are up for talking about lore and/or characters then I’m happy to talk about that with you :3
That’s so cool! I’ll be sure to send you a message if I ever wish to talk more about lore and characters! I’d be excited to hear about your own stories!
Thanki! Likewise with you, just be warned that I may have a lot of them!! ^w^"
your art is AMAZING