If any forums, date any guild wars, events, and important shit that goes around here.
Such as known community members leaving, being banned, ETC
Extreme cases of drama and such
Disbands like Crimson Crescent (Example don’t bully me )
Certain events/Mini-events
Deep iceberg parts
Known art pieces, in the unknown
and stuff
Im just putting this here cuz I want history to be kept
i dont think you are posting the full context if this proxy is saying vexxire ALSO (keyword also) has a shit life.
post the disbanding announcement and all other major context
July 17th, 2020: Our lord and saviour, WAX, who created the universe with 3 fridge chilled grapes and a twice licked popsicle stick, posts his first message on the forums.
November 23rd, 2020: TAITC opens up the very first post in the long running TAITCDASJOEFSOPP (TAITC does a sloppy job on editing festive stuff onto people’s pfps) series, starting a annual tradition on the forums.
January 20th, 2021: BNT draws Morden every day until TGR drops
July 19th, 2021: Guilds category gets closed and is never seen again. Thank god, good riddance.
February 18th, 2022: BNT gets tester and technically held through until she got to play TGR so it counts as fulfilling the promise.