Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

God would break your kneecaps, tie you to a spiked chair and force you to watch Infernasu’s AO playthrough

You serve ZERO purpose.

my brother in christ, those keybinds are cursed

i’ll never understand anything but c leap, it’s right above space bar

f is easier to reach without your thumb, but R??

I use Z leap

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R is beam

I’m muslim


i got aura on z since it’s kinda hard to reach

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Psychopath behaviour

I just switched the r and f for leap and beam

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R is self explosion.

r is pulsar

Ironically I use both F and C leap, F as my main and C as a multi leap

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yessss c multi leap

i just have the main and multi spread between my 2 magics

Are you my lost twin by any chance

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bro they them is wild

do you have any non mage builds

I’m afraid that twin spot is already taken by @biologlol but you can be a long lost cousin

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hot take: multiple files are so you have DIFFERENT types of builds