Imagine a world where AO was for the most part normal, but it had a lot of moments that made it mirror what would be canon to “robloxian” lore.
AKA: things like Calvus’ death not being impaled, but something silly, like iris whipping out a ban hammer and smashing him into a bunch of segmented parts and maybe knocking his head out of a window like a golfing minigame
or the expressions of characters being far more wacky with emotes and dances, and maybe some NPCs would be references to past eras of roblox or something
the skeletons on akursius keep are all dancing in their cave
when you die, there’s a loud OOF! and your character’s parts go flying in all directions
Iris’ battle theme is replaced with SFOTH theme remixed by tobi
Some bosses have dialogue changes, Carina would be like “hm… I see… you pwned by brother but spared him afterward, he was always a newb… I’ll blox you, for his sake!”
Builderman side boss…
think like, arcane odyssey if it was partially inspired by block tales
The AO player after slurping that bloxy cola, eating the drumstick of telamon, exploring the crossroads, and climbing the dangerous teapot slope of terror, using 0.001% of their potential against Calvus: