Arcane Odyssey is truly one of the games ever made

oh yeah btw there were like 2k galleons of cargo worth in it, basically i loaded in the last piece of cargo while my character ran and it FLINGED it into rubica.


what? never got a flying white-eyes before? never saw one of those ‘interactable’ moving sky clouds go haywire?

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What? Never seen a boat fly across the dark sea before? Maybe even a sailboat that flung from frostmill to palo town? Just me?

never tried to climb on the sloped railing of your caravel only for your character to glitch out and get flung hundred if not thousands of studs into the eastern dark sea with such speed that it surpassed the insanity V zone without even 1 damaging tick happening?

Yep happened to me and a friend of mine when he got too close

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