Arcane Odyssey QnA

deepwoken isn’t even a hard game, all of the difficulty is artificial, such as the level 60 players killing you whenever you progress, and that you can’t learn things well if you have to level up again after 2 deaths


How will ships be upgraded?
Like, is it similar to aa/ar + equips or will it just be equips?

can food expire in AO?

no, but fish can

what is the stat scaling like in game (is it exponential, linear, etc.)

Will player titles be a planned feature in the future? Like customizable (Fully customizable or preset) titles that go next to our names like “{First Name}, The Trailblazer” or “Dead-eyed {First Name}” or similar to the ones in WoM like “{First name}, the Murderer” shit like that

kinda like doodle world where you do certain tasks and you get a name for it and maybe a color

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titles are planned (he said the ‘demon’, ‘legendary hero’ and ‘saint’, etc. will become obtainable titles) but i dont know how other titles are acquired (presumably from badges)


Btw, heres a question i’ve been meaning to ask for a long time (and forgor a bunch):
What is your fps on wom at max graphics, compared to your fps in ao at max graphics?

Can we have apple bottle jeans and boots with the fur in AO?

How much of professions will be included on paid access?

What will the grind look like? How long would it take most players to get max level and all the equipment they want?

Also, if you don’t invest into the Weapons stat, how viable would your weapons’ basic attacks still be? Would you still be able to use them as a reliable source of bleeding for magic synergy?

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Pretty sure damage for FS, Magis and Weapons will sacle 75% of your stats and 25% just on oyur level

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The basic m1 will be extremely useless outside of early npc combat so it would be extremely difficult to even pull of synergies
And testers have said it is useless in PvP but you might be able to use it against npcs. But if you go for a warrior build and go for it’s first awakening they will bit something that might make them a bit more viable

what abt stuff like guns and bows, will they do enough damage to inflict bleeding (with a low weapons stat or 0 weapons stat)

How will hybrid classes work when using ancient spells and fighting styles? Will they just not be able to get any, or will it depend on which they invest more in?

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There will be be a stat point requiremnt for them apparently

I believe that bleeding is based on a percentage of health, so early game it would work but eventually it would stop working as well
So in theory it could work on release but idk

will morden die