Arcane Odyssey QnA

how are you ( not you, im asking Tech, i dont care about you ) today ?

all i said was “are there booba in AO”


dont go off topic oh my godddd

so minotaur is like half human half something else does that mean we are getting more hybrid people

My bro you gotta stop, this is a legit QnA and I don’t want to have to split replies into more topics or delete them

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but its a legit question

How will fighting style skills be customizable?

also, if ur having a naval fight on the boats do the npcs fight with you?

please read all available information before asking questions


so they do?

No, your npc crewmates don’t fight; they can reload cannons though. (they can also die)

oh, well thats interesting.

Anyone else want to hit sandal with a sandal rn?

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nooo pls :sob:

im trying to ask serious question guys cmon

make other people angry

i dont like ppl when mad at me tho

it make me sad

All the questions have been confirmed already

then get to reading (and use some common sense)

just read the reminders for AO topic pls

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