Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Okay, I am not ready to theorise until friday aswell. University and etc. Solving these riddles will heavily slowdown now, unless someone will try making their own theories and send them to Tech.

My two next documents will be pointed towards two different possibilities. One document will state possible events in AO and other one will state possible deep meanings of godā€™s purpose and AO MCā€™s morales / past.

This is because we are not sure what exactly those lines are supposed to mean. A real object, creature, event or something entirely abstract.

I wanted to do that tomorrow, but unfortunately all my plans were shattered into million pieces. I am not even sure, if I will release those documents on Sunday or not.

No, they wonā€™t. I just realized that I havenā€™t got any new information.

Previous theory is close, but it is already squezeed out. I cannot continue it, but I also cannot leave it due to it being pointed into right direction, so making something new will be automatically wrong.

I will be happy to hear your ideas, because I ran out of mine for now.



Whatā€™s the mini theory

The document that was right before the screenshot. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Bigger document will be released later, it is waitting for confirmation.

does that mean Morden is a Torren? AO tells the story of another Torren?

No idea, absolutely. My new document revolves around something different, but related to this statement too, if Tech will say that I am moving in wrong direction, then yeahā€¦ Morden is Torren.

I like how this implies there are more than 2 torrens

There are already more than two Torrens.
The old Torren is very likely different to the new Torren

Thereā€™s a whole clone army of Torrens everyone knows this, keep up

torren particles: we agree

This riddle is confirmed to be about Morden and the Player. But this may complicate things as this means the riddle has TWO answers, two ways to be interpreted. One is abt the Player, the other abt Morden.

If it helps though, Morden and the Player are confirmed to be character foils (or oppsites, per say), so if we figure out one answer, then the other may be the opposite of said answer.

Wait, hang on, if this riddle is linked to the first one, which is aboutā€¦ OH FUCK.


Hmm, so I got the feeling that my older theories abt the Furnace and the Sword were correct. Back then, I speculated that either one could abt Morden, and it seems both of them areā€¦

But theyre also referring to the player.

Man, I knew it. Those two are truly the main characters of this story.

We need to create a Discord server. (It is being worked on rn)

I donā€™t have discord :sob:

But you can create discord account, right?

yeah but Iā€™m lazy

idk maybe Iā€™ll do It anyway