Arcane Odyssey true staory part 1!

MC wakes up on a small island with some hobo named Morden being attacked by a crazy zombie.
After saving him, he explains to MC that the zombie was his friend named Tucker who was made crazy by Durcheron. That is very sad. After he thanks MC, he gives MC a quest. “Begin your Arcane Adventure”
After reaching Redwake MC is met by Coward. Coward gives MC a quest. “Defeat 5 Jaw Pirates” MC kills the Jaw Pirates because they have deadly weapons. MC walks into a building that is inside of a wall for some reason. MC finds Coward, afraid. MC asks why Coward is afraid. “My name is Estrid ‘Coward’ Redwake. I live in Redwake at the Red Fin Inn. This is my confession. If you’re hearing this speech, then my friends are probably dead, murdered by MC. MC had come to Redwake with the goal of beginning their Arcane Adventure using their Magic Dagger and Rowboat. MC had killed my friends unknowing that we were roleplaying. I was… shocked, I… I always thought that MC was a very moral person and would never kill criminal and I was… horrified and confused. I could never look at MC the same after that moment.” She says. Mc replies “It’s just a prank bro.” and uses Dead Revival Magic on the five friends, Asfrith, Dota 2, Audbjorg, Hundi and Jomar. They thank MC and MC leaves Redwake after buying yummy bait. On the sea, MC decides to take a break from rowing boat and grabs their fishing rod then begins to fish. CUT Fishing rods are a tool designed to be able to capture Legendary fish using bait on a line. Unfortunately, most of the catches are mid. Fishing rods were originally invented 10 years ago by Audbjorg, when their spear broke and they only had string and a metal wire. two years later and they had refined the tool into the perfect fishing device. Realising this, Audbjorg then began to spread the use of the tool throughout the war seas, permanently destroying world hunger! CUT In the present day there are over 1000 fishing schools that teach the many ways of fishing. Having learnt from the inventor themselves, MC had inherited the truest way of using their fishing rod. MC leaps into the water, but there are no fish! The MC begins to hurt, but why? Could it be the pain of not being able to enjoy the greatest sport, Fishing? Could it be the pain of hunger? No! The water is acidic! un-naturally acidic! The MC is angry. Who dares harm the MC? MC rows to the nearest island and finds a suspicious hermit. MC walks up to the hermit and the hermit gets up and tries to beat the crap out of MC, but MC knows that the hermit is trying to attack them because they are suspicious. flashback Morden: “one more thing before you go. Never trust hermits… because they are suspicious.” MC beats up the hermit and asks them “Why are you acid” Hermit says “My name is Shura ‘Arcane’ Adventures. I live at Silent Ire, Southern Jaws. This is my confession. I am acid because my papa is
and my mama is
we used to live happily in WoM early testing, but my mama was recently executed by vetexgames because ‘it was just a test bro’
ever since then I moved to the Silent Ire to train my pi- uh, acid magic so i could revenge my mama.” MC says “fish dying” Shura says “Sorry, I will move out soon. You should go to Frostmill, my brother Dura living there.” Before MC goes to Frostmill, MC meets Edward Kenton. It’s love at first sight. Edward Kenton says “I suck at fishing.” luckily MC is the second best at fishing in the War Seas. Edward Kenton Joins MC’s Row Boat. They row to Frostmill. Dura was dead. Frostmill Mayor runs to MC “PLEASE HELP US. CURSE KILL DURA” MC knows what to do. They learned their lesson the first time. They beat up Frost Brigand and they say “Gyatt… over there… curse.” MC knows what to do. They go over there to beat up Gyatt. “You finally found me, huh… well, I’m not gonna let you capture me without a fight! :face_with_thermometer: destroy you!” Gyatt says. “who you” MC says, confused. “Don’t play dumb with me, Ravenna scum! I’ll kill you!” Gyatt says. MC says “Killing is bad” Gyatt is defeated. “Fine, take me to Ravenna then…” Gyatt says. “Why you curse?” MC asks. Gyatt says “Either I’m stupid, or you actually don’t know what I’m talking about… fine, I’ll play along. My name is Iris ‘Gyatt’ Ravenna. I am homeless and broke. This is my confession. I used to live with my father until about one month ago, then a soldier arrested him” “Why?” MC asks “Shut up and let me finish. Anyway, he was only a blacksmith that worked on the island. I don’t know why he was arrested and they didn’t tell me either. Ever since then, I became a sussy Imposter, trying to sabotage Ravenna. I was cursing Frostmill because they said ‘they Ravenna’… huh? Who are you? Why are we here?” MC detects brain damage. MC lies to Iris “we came here for bait, where are we going next?” “To the Stepstones. I heard a long time ago the sky people had connections with Ravenna many years ago. I will curse the place” MC buys a sailboat and sails to Stepstones with Iris and Edward Kenton. TBC i think idk

why is iris called gyatt