Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

That was a lie. Should’ve had a separate thing for balance suggestions

Magic tier list since for some reason y’all are terrible at balancing, this is for mage initially, conj and warlock metas are very different.

I will justify these if anyone has questions.

S - Wind, Magma, Metal
A - Everything else

The differences are not that big between mage

what’s up with wind

Stunlock pulsar, nuff said

wait but i thought wind was the kb magic how is it stunning people

Negative iq individual

hey fuck you

oh, damn

Pulsar stunlocks because it knocks you back into the next pulse over and over again

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oh ok thanks


Still concerned by the fact that scalded still benefits heat magics way more than it does cold magics.


Magic Scalded dmg synergy Clears?
Ash .2 P
Explosion .1
Acid .1
Magma .1
Fire .05 (its not technically burning so I doubt its losing its 5%)
Plasma 0
Lightning 0
Ice -0.1
Wind -0.1 X
Snow -0.1 X
Water -0.2 No longer clears


For the negative synergies part, some may argue “well it doesn’t matter if you’re the one using it” however, it is still just plain worse than using something that does synergize. Additionally, the negative synergies will still apply when in a team fight and an ally applies scalded. Due to water no longer clearing it water just has a 20% dmg reduction virtually the entire time when fighting with a team that uses heat magics.



  • Replaced with soaked when hit by heat magics


  • Water: Clears -20% → Clears and +15%
  • Snow: Clears -10% → Clears and +15%
  • Ice: -10% → Clears and +20%
  • Wind: -10% and Clears → +10% and no clear
    -Thermal shock can induce shock whenever someone undergoes a rapid temperature change. Extra paralysis would be too op.

Burning, Melting, and Scorched:

  • Applies Scalded when hit by water
  • Applies Soaked when hit by ice/snow
  • Ice clears them all but keeps its negative synergies.


Makes the scalded effect a unique status that both hot and cold magics can take advantage of. Makes hot and cold magics usable together more effectively.

Comments about other cold fixes.

Hypothermia: Takes the place of freezing for cold temperatures (Parity with sweating)

  • Water: +15%
  • Ice: +15% (Ice had no cold temp advantage previously since it was freezing status)
  • Snow: +15%
  • Wind: +10%

Bruh, why does sweating exist to solve the problem of stun from temps but hypothermia doesn’t? Higher than heat since they don’t cause dots.

Environmental Soaked (rain, ocean):

  • Water: 0% → +10-15%

Why is water the only cold magic that can’t benefit from these environmental hazards for damage? Snow and ice both have frozen and wind is getting frostbite. Additionally, heat magics are gonna have scalded, so why no water environmental synergy?

@Fluect streamlined argument, more table. Please don’t let scalded exist as just solely a buff for heat magics. Also, please give us a separate category or something for balance suggestions to separate it from just comments. No one reads this otherwise.


Stop asking for water buffs every 12hours, Heat magics already have the biggest problem.
You literally can’t use it at all once someone touches or is in water. And this being an ocean game makes it worse. Have you tried not being able to use ur magics simply cause the guy is in water?

And Heat magic is that not even that prelevant, Everyone is just using metal,ice and ash (high tier pvp).

Barely anyone uses fire,plasma and most quickly stop cause of their garbage stats. You’re askking for buffs from synergies when water stats is not even bad. when fire and plasma has like 0 appearance in high level pvp, and magma is only good cause pulsar spam. no one uses magma blast.

Also, no One cares how many magic something synergises.
The biggest factor of if a magic has good synergise is looking at the biggest dmg multiplier and status effects added. No one cares a magic has .1 synergy with something else, They only look at the .2. Just like crystal being the best synergy cause of the shatter purely cause of the highest synergy dmg multiplier. Not cause it synergies with all the other magics.

A magic with 3 0.2 synergies is better than one with 10 0.1 synergies.

Are there any plans to nerf metal at all? We’re having mages nerfed, but the magic that keeps trolling everyone doesnt seem to be getting nerfed.

cloud size increases are being removed right
Or is it being moved to attack size?

metal is only as overpowered as it is right now due to aura, pulsar, and ult explosions. there isn’t really a reason to nerf it when all 3 of those are being nerfed.

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Look, i get crystal is a bit on the broken side and i do agree that its bonus crystallized damage is a bit much, but 25% seems too low. Isnt there better ways to nerf it like making the magic itself slower or making the crytalized affect last for less time? Since 25% is very close to 20%, and its much easier to activate a 20% buff than a 25% buff. Sure, its self-synergy but that really only matters when you dont have your first awakening. for most of the game you’re gonna have something that procs synergy most likely. So i think making it a 30% damage bonus while the status effect lasts shorter and maybe make crystal itself slightly slower and less destructive will be good.
But, i would like an explination for why the 25% was put down on the document other than just “crystal was too good before”. Since, if the damage increase was the only thing that makes it broken, wont crystal just have that same problem later on in the game? And arent other sources of damage increases being nerfed (like mode)? This change just seems like it hurts hybrid classes a lot instead of just mages. Since i could easily pick something that gives me 20% extra damage on each second hit. 25% extra damage doesn’t seem worth it to me, unless that extra 5% is really broken somehow and i just cant see it.

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Damage/Size Calculation Formula Change
Under the planned formula :

In which the Damage/size modifiers will be changed from multiplicative to Addative, The stats from Armor/Accessories should not be addative As it would heavily nerf the stat as whole.

It should isntead be: Magic Affinity x (Shape + Aura) x Attack Size. If it was addative it would simply make the enchant even worse compared to power/defence Stat. And make it a worse choice for an enchant making power/defence more prelevant than it already is.

Ultimate size explosion Nerf
Looking at the current changes, because of the shape/aura become addative size scaling itself has already been reduced dramatically. I do not feel the 45% > 30% is reasonable as it would now simply be close to a regular hammer explolsion.
Simply changing the Calculation from multiplative to addative changes a full charge ultimate art ult.
Current System: (water) 1.2 x (Hammer)1.25 x 1.33 (full charged (Value not confirmed)) x 1.15 (aura) x 1.2(Attack size stat) x1.45(ultimate art) = 4
New System: (water) 1.2 x ((new Hammer) 0.15 + 0.33 + 0.15 + 0.2 + 0.3) = 2.5

Snow and ice also can’t be used underwater. It’s a larger problem and I have alraedy argued for a fix for that with steam. Just cause another magic has a big problem doesn’t mean I can’t argue to fix the problems of another magic, this isn’t a zero sum game. You can’t only change one thing.

In my own experience, after metal, the most common magics I’ve seen have been heat magics. Idk how you haven’t been seeing magma meta users.

No, if you read the thing you would notice that lack of synergies overall changes how varied or a playstyle you can go with by affecting what other magics are good with yours. Also, team battles exist and synergies strongly matter when you could either being pelted with a team that constantly petrified and burns you, or a team that just constantly clears those statuses and does less dmg.