Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP


If this happens it should only benefit the chaser and not hurt the runner. The burden should lie on the chaser for continuing the fight. Getting hurt for trying to live doesn’t sound fun.

This also prevents it from benefiting ganks by having the person running from the gank not be hurt as that would leave the group stronger.

In the current state anti run could also be abused by having multiple people with one guys bounty surrounding them at various ranges. In this situation the individual would have dash exhaustion at all times.

50m is way too low. If I’m still in the range of a placed explosion I should not be suffering exhaustion.

In my own experience, after metal, the most common magics I’ve seen have been heat magics. Idk how you haven’t been seeing magma meta users.

My ign:jakedoesgaming12 Guardian of the sea, In all my Pvps 60% don’t use Mage, all those who do use magics 80% is metal. i fought exactly 2 people with magma, more people with crystal about 4 iirc, and a mix of ash, water/ice or wind/snow freeze users.
Even so Magma again is only prelevant purely because of pulsar, being close you can take easily 450-600dmg like metal. As well of all the fights i have, only 4 were 2v2 or group fights.
Of which only 1 was a good synergy with me, You are overblowing certain aspects of the game in reality simply isn’t that prevalent. Also if the issue is synergy, Why are you even playing with a heat user as a cold user then?

Snow and ice also can’t be used underwater. It’s a larger problem and I have alraedy argued for a fix for that with steam. Just cause another magic has a big problem doesn’t mean I can’t argue to fix the problems of another magic, this isn’t a zero sum game. You can’t only change one thing.

I’m not saying to not fix the problems of another magic, I’m simply seeing it as a Con to the magic. If we simply buff water in the many ways as you say, would that not just make water Powerful for no reason? Isn’t not even bad at all currently, You look at the synergies alot, but not the stats.
Magma: You can so easily out-range it its funny.
Fire: When do you see it used? Garbage magic when AOE is Meta.
Plasma: Again Garbage AOE, and bad stats. (shadow is better in every way) Tiny Aoe again.
Ash: Decent, Below-average speed/dmg.
Explosion: Comes to being good only cause of AOE meta. Already being Nerfed in 2 ways , both speed and dmg.

It’s not just making water stronger for no reason, it’s allowing for more variety in builds and preventing scalded from solely benefiting heat magics. These changes are meant for parity with heat, not to make it stronger than heat (the synergies are only slightly stronger as they clear the status and don’t deal dot). All of the changes I proposed require specific circumstances in order to help, they help in variety not in pure strength.

Btw dots are almost always atleast a 5-7% dmg buff due to you not auto clearing them the very second they are applied.

I’m not proposing changes to stats. Just synergies for variety.

Sometimes you just wanna play with friends and not hand pick your teams for every team fight. Clan wars aren’t always planned and you rarely end up with a full hot or cold team.

Value = +50% for charging

Ult multiplier still getting nerfed because you don’t need that many multipliers for the size to be braindead. +45% and a moderate amount of magic size is already “nobody is gonna not hit this” level, it’s just not arena-sized.

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i wonder if the doc’s been reverted yet
ok it has

Benefitting the chaser will just mean two friends will hunt each other and start slingshotting off of each other, which is why you can’t have that. Getting hurt for trying to live is perfectly justified if the way you’re trying to live is cheap.

This is why it only applies in 1v1 scenarios.

The arena is 60 tiles long and each tile is around 0.83m, so the arena itself is about 50m. That’s a pretty generous distance

I don’t play Explosion, but taking away an entire tenth of speed feels kind of harsh. Sand would have more impact damage (its already the second highest damaging magic in the game but shh) and speed than it. Clash rates don’t even seem to be that important in PvP, the only time I wish I could have a clash advantage over someone is when I’m fighting an NPC who’ll throw out a blast because they want you dead, and don’t care if they die, too.

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oh that reminds me

can you ask vetex to fix petrify/other stun effects

npcs literally just completely ignore it

Only weapon builds care about clashing cause they have massive zone aoes that can kill projectiles

Is scalded gonna stay nerfing cold magics? Feels like a one sided status given it requires cold and hot

what do you… want “scalded” to do…?

Bridge the gap between hot and cold to allow more variety and use in team battles. Not just be burning with a different name.

i deadass haven’t even seen scalded’s interactions listed ANYWHERE on the trello or balance doc aside from "it activates when soaked interacts with a heat magic/fighting style (thermo)

Can see that perspective. Might warrant a change.

I don’t really see that argument, it’s a smaller value, and that value isn’t gonna increase as time goes on. It’ll be easier to apply but that’s why you nerf the increase so that you are not getting the same benefits from it.

Well it’s still busted on hybrids just as much as it is on mage, but as you’ve said I can see how the changes are probably too harsh.

Carbon copy of burning aside from the changes on the balance doc.

ok so is searing (thermo fist i think) burning 3 or is it its own unique status effect whose details just aren’t listed anywhere

sure, but if you’re going to use “umm thermal shock is a thing” then “Scalded” should not be buffing cold magic at all. It is a burn, ffs, applying cold magic should quite literally just remove it.

there could be a place for cold magics to specialize in decreasing the mobility of a target rather than just make them the exact same as heat magics, don’t you think?

And isn’t Scalded supposed to help Water synergize with heat magics? Why does it need to buff cold magics now??

Searing was renamed to scalded. Thermo just gives burn pretty sure.

I stalk the trello. It was renamed a few patches after being added

I think these nerfs are fine in a vacuum considering that its bleeding synergy is getting buffed too, but Explosion’s upsides do NOT make up for the nerfs.
Size stacking is getting gutted in this update too, which is practically Explosion’s namesake. A 1.3x multiplier on its own is already decent, but it mattered a lot more when combined with other high size multipliers. Plus, size isn’t really useful if you’re getting outDPS’d, which will absolutely happen to a slower, less damaging Explosion.
Plus, clash is hilariously niche. The last time I remember it being actually useful was when one of my Explosion blasts beat a kai saber flying slash. If magic self explosions could block stuff similarly to how weapon AOEs do, then clash would matter a lot more, but right now it’s probably one of the least relevant parts of pvp (even less relevant than destruction, somehow).

It should probably be only the speed nerf or only the damage nerf, not both. Both would force an over-reliance on placed explosions and self explosions (and also pulsar lol lmao), which the lowered impact damage won’t compliment.

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Would love for cold and hot to have different purposes. But also vet doesn’t like slows.

I also prefer to propose changes that only involve value changes and not new features.

It doesn’t really help water though, due to burning rebuffing all cold magics it tends to be a debuff in a real and worse than just using another heat magic in solos. Scalded is now applied by any cold magic on a heat dot, however it only buffs the heats and not the cold also necessary to create it.