Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Oh, so it goes damage → bleed → burn, so the bleed gets canceled, but since the damage already happened, it can’t get the 10% buff? That sucks.


I really wish the DoTs didn’t cancel each other since it means my warlord is just even better

It would be nice if Vetex could announce WHAT QoL changes are going to be added.

It’ll likely be fixed the same with other bleed synergies so you’ll get the dmg buff. Also, since thermo is fire like and fire is getting +20% on bleed instead it should be a pretty strong dmg buff. Though you won’t get the bleed dot still.

I sure hope so.

Sweet, +20% for thermo imbue? That’s great.

Sort of. If its not imbued with something yes, however if it is imbued its different.
Synergies on something imbued is always halved so 10% instead of 20%.

Well, it’s still free damage.

man additional DOT’s dealing only 50% damage was unwarranted for

completely disagree. long term there will be mages with 3 dot magics, if they were to apply at once and with synergy there wouldnt be any room for any other type of build.


No it wasn’t, builds like acid thermo and stuff exist leading to severe dot stacking when using intensity and it only would’ve gotten worse in the future

Hammer weapons should add the status effect dazed because bladed/sharp weapons get bleed. dazed will work like the heat making things blurry. User’s with dazed moves slower and maybe gets like 1s of being unable to move like the petrify/frozen/eletrify status.
Gives weapon users more benefits to use hammer weapons.

For warrior they are getting bruised: 10% increased dmg on anything. Also, stacking status isn’t gonna work well on slow weapons aka all blunt weapons.

blunt weapons are getting a debuff that just makes target take more damage

That with the vindicator nerf in lvl requirement is gonna be major

nerf? its a buff

Nerf usually means lowering something

nope. nerf means decreasing viability, not a decrease in general as is the case here

Yes, it got buffed.

Lemme use my gamer words >:(