Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

can’t wait for people to not use boxing anyway cause it doesn’t do 10 billion damage a hit

I was gonna say something but then I realized they removed the vitality stat being locked out for non-vit builds. If that was still there they could’ve just removed the dmg reduction for the stat.

Thanks for the suggestion. What If I just went warlord with boxing and a shield though?

If Savant builds could support 150 magic I’d say do that, get enough to hold a Shield and put the rest in Boxing. Then you could use Bursting Aura to chip people who attack you :slightly_smiling_face:

Boxing and shield don’t stack, takes whichever is higher


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Does Shining Cycle really need the +20% size? It’s supposed to compensate for Weapon Aura nerfs, but since this is an inherent change to the skill that means it’s a free +20% for all weapon hybrids as well, even though they never had the aura to begin with. It’s compensating people who never lost anything. Every time I fight Shining Cycle on a conjurer or warlord it’s already gigantic and extremely fast, and I can almost never react in time to parry it because it’s really hard to see when someone’s using a weapon skill due to weapons being way smaller than the obvious telegraphing magic circles that mages have. When I fight Shining Cycle the only way to avoid getting shredded by it is zoning extremely far, which isn’t good when I’m a warlock and I’m supposed to get close with my fighting styles. With this +20% size boost, it will be way bigger for hybrids, and only 3% smaller for Warriors, who probably won’t be missing that size at all, especially not since they get +10% speed to make up for it. Shining Cycle hardly feels fair to me as is, and I’m concerned it will be overpowered after this update. I’m not gonna ask to nerf it, because who knows, I might just have a skill issue, but I will ask it doesn’t get buffed when it’s already a great skill.

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They had innate size on all of them except savant tho

They did, I believe it was .2-.3. The only people actually gaining size from that 20% increase is savants and unawakened.

The inherent size buff was removed for a reason, wasn’t it? Nerfing every other skill but saying “Oh no we need to keep Shining Cycle the same” just sounds silly to me.

why are you guys still talking about it the update’s happening in a week, there’s probably not gonna be any changes to what’s already established

keep talking about it when 1.13 is in development or something

yo how big is a difference of 0.1 in any stat. askin this because i feel like boxing and thermo’s speed is very similar and keeping up thermo’s bar for that speed buff might not b worth it when boxing is there with a very similar amount.

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I have steam magic imbuement on my thermofist and its very good it does Burning and Scalding if I get to 50% or more meter

What are you using?

Thermo doing more damage, burning, and being faster at once:

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the knockback from boxing (if it worked) would make comboing stuff harder

yeah seriously what’s the point of having more knockback than you already have other than “please don’t nuke me mr. mage”

its fun


So, will this function like a free +10% damage for Thermo Fist? Since burning clears bleeding and deals 10% more.


From what I see, thermo imbued weapons apply both statuses, but burn applies a bit after bleed I think and it cancels the bleeding effect and damage.

It really sucks.