Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Fun fact
Shot move on cannon fist


And a dude pointed out it’d literally be pointless to unimbue in that scenario

It’s not a flat multiplier on warlock, that’s for conjurer.

For warlock it averages between the stats of your fighting style and weapon

And no fighting styles don’t just all have a multiplier of 1

Neither is .8 even close to the magic median

Can you add cerynx to the amulets being buffed then. A lot of people straight up use fair power or fair defense over cernyx anyways



What’s that gotta do with warlock

But ya canon fist needs a lot of changes to be even kind’ve good rn

Hot take with mages, I think their 10% damage buff should be situational later(like lvl 200 onwards) on as more levels get added and hybrids get access to shapes and ults. TL:DR it’s fine currently but add it back at a fixed level instead with some condition attached to it(like stamina or magic).

Shapes and ults are just bandages but not a fix to the entire problem

Ye but currently getting access to shapes,pulsar, size spamming and ults(which I honestly cannot find a good use for) + that 10% is overkill

Pulsar nerfs look good
still nothing regarding size stat

I am just stating the future as we move away from the days of slow af supersized pulsars into mage hybrids getting shapes and ults which would just make pure mages look shit.

My point is the 10% removal is just a bandaid at best and mage awakening needs to address future builds(200+) as well as builds on 125-199. I know lost magics exist in concept, but I doubt it would be done until 3 years in.

You know, after viewing the trello and seeing the planned free stat reset coming back, and allowing me to choose a different awakening path. I had wanted now to change my Shadow Warlock into a conjuror (weapons look more fun), and after looking at this in the doc I realized something. 1.1x Shadow’s damage affinity is 1.045x (from 0.95x), couple this with the size affinity of 1.15x and speed of 1.3x and you have an overall net positive by infusing your weapons with shadow. Just something I wanted to point out.

Earliest Lost Magics will be obtainable is 600 Magic, or Level 300 for pure Mages. We’re probably gunna be 250+ by the time the Nimbus Sea finishes. Really doubt we’ll even have to wait much longer than a year for Lost Magics honestly.

Now the main question, do lost magics change in their reqs depending on how many you have, or based on slot.
What I mean is this, would having a lost magic mean the 2nd one require 900 magic level, would the 3rd mind slot require 900 magic level and the 2nd require 600, or would it be 600 for both slots (meaning a mage theoretically could get a base/lost/lost build once they reach level 300 and are lucky/given the items, because remember they are still extremely rare).

You will only be able to have one lost magic, or one lost fighting style and vice versa with ancient magics/ancient fighting styles.

Pure builds specifically can get 2 lost magics, or a lost with an ancient. Although I wonder how fighting styles will work exactly considering they aren’t learned via a scroll but rather upgraded.
Sorry for the double edit but I’m just using 600 as a baseline, it states that it is 300 or higher for the lost magic. Although my questioning earlier was mainly because this mostly talks about one lost magic and not two.

I don’t agree with this. Thermo’s aggressive nature should reward you for being aggressive rather than punish passiveness. It’s like the dilemma of washing the dishes because your parents promised you some ice cream vs. washing the dishes or they cut your monthly expenses. FStyles attacks are close-ranged, so missed attacks open you up for punishment, and your magic attack doesn’t have the same size as a Mage’s. 0,5 seconds of grace period is only enough for a dash before you are forced to perform another attack, and that aggressiveness causes you to consume more energy + stuck in endlag a lot more than other builds that have the luxury of adapting to the opponent’s playstyle. I’d say M1ing halts the heat decay is a far better solution if you want to encourage aggressiveness than constantly using abilities.


It took around 3 or more years from the Total Rework to today, and the current level cap is around 125. Not to mention, not all the base planned features in the game exist yet, so I am guessing 3 years or more.

Btw, I was trying to address the weird spot that mages and magic hybrids have between lvl 200(where hybrids can roughly start getting shapes and Ults), and whenever lost magics appear.

Mages should still have higher tiers meaning their attacks will likely be bigger. Not to mention they’ll still have access to more rare spells, maybe even lost tier spells.

Adding 10+ % to a warrior’s speed is so stupid that it’s even funny. It would be better if they gave him 15-16% of the attack size, but took away this useless speed. I’m not against nerf at all, just want this balance to be done wisely.

Meanwhile… Glass will still be utterly irrelevant. Merely a bleed stat-stick for mages to inflict free bleed with…

T__T hence why I so desperately want a buff for glass.

Btw, yeah. Shadow is already a solid magic. Underused, but solid. The new conjurer buffs will only make it even better.

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some of them are

btw do yall plan on giving boxing any changes aside from the universal ones cause its super underwhelming rn

Iron Leg and Thermo Fist are dominant for obvious reasons

Sailor Style and Cannon Fist have niche uses that make them somewhat viable in certain situations (cannon fist is goated for ship farming and sailor fist + ice/snow/lightning shenanigans)

Boxing is kinda just there… Its only use its blocking boost