Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I saw boxing changes and boxing looks a lot more promising

but I’m so mad because boxing is a literal drip destroyer

drip issue I count my bands w those gloves on fr :money_with_wings:

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But I wanna look cool and not some goofy clown with bigass rubber nubs

Besides glass and savant anyone got anything they find unbalanced currently not addressed(I’m curious)

personally feel like all FS move reqs should be lowered by 30 , str hybrids not being able to get airstep is strange to me especially on juggernaut which quite literally has 0 mobility outside of crash

Alternatively i think we should just straight up treat vitality like every other stat

As of right now, even if it didn’t decrease damage, it would be a pretty meh tradeoff to swap from full mage to 150 magic with just 400 extra health. The only build which would really be in any way outshined by a vitality hybrid even if vitality didn’t decrease damage is warrior

Once they get spirit weapons, the hp gain will be counteracted by the use of the spirit weapons anyways, because spirit weapons (according to the trello) are planned to drain your lifeforce to deal damage to enemies.

Make vitality like every other stat, give it no reduced damage, make mono-stat and other stat hybrids just NOT able to use it, all your problems are suddenly solved with ONE change.

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I think this isn’t gonna apply to spirit weapons and it’s to make people not just pick up vitality for hp and then never touch spirit weapons.

Kind’ve like how some conjurer get infusion and never touch magic again

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i’m a tad bit confused here
man just said “yeah you’re banned” like ???

I think the issue with that is we just don’t know if they will have an imbue, and if half of the vitality hybrid’s kit just DOESN’T work, a pure vitality route would just be objectively better.

It already would be lower tiered magic because it has less magic stat than mage, and would have less utility and raw damage from no ultimate arts, no pulsar, no shapes, and less skills from second magic. The same would apply to other vitality hybrids too (again, warrior is unfinished so as a biproduct knight is alright compared to warrior)

Why would you play a vit hybrid if you just aren’t going to use your other abilities, just play warden instead

Vit is gonna be finished when the level cap is much higher and they’ll have access to that

Also the dmg decrease isn’t that severe

Yes but then the mono-stat builds will also get a new toy at higher level caps, what’s your point

If it’s “not that severe” then why not just remove it, if it’s not that severe it shouldn’t shake up the meta too much to remove it

Vit hybrids will have plenty to play with once spirit weapons are out and the dmg nerf isn’t that severe

It’s not to decentivize vit builds from dealing dmg, it’s to decentivize people going vit builds purely for the hp and not the actual stuff it offers(spirit weapons)

I would be down for vit to be renamed and lose the hp increase/dmg decrease altogether once spirit weapons are out

Maybe smth like faith that was previously pointed out

You’re missing the point, if their secondary stat (magic, strength, weapons) does less damage than spirit weapons, it just won’t be worth using aside from as utility. If they get imbue, while that might help, how will KNIGHT imbue? Knight just straight up won’t use it’s weapons, because spirit weapons are better, so instead it will use spirit weapons, but if it just uses spirit weapons, now it’s just warden with half the kit because warden gets higher tier and higher level spirit weapon skills.

The point of skill points in the current game isn’t to increase or decrease power, it’s to unlock specific thresholds on your build to get more abilities in combat, which vit straight up doesn’t have right now. Even when it does have that, it also has the damage decrease. Players seem to forget that you have a limited number of skill points, and that putting skill points into vitality effectively LOWERS YOUR BUILD’S LEVEL because it REMOVES THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET VITAL SKILLS.

Vit currently is absolutely horrendous but I’d wait to see if and how spirit weapons interact with magic/fs/normal weapons before coming to the conclusion it’ll do nothing for them.

I absolutely agree that stat points are not to increase power and do think it would be better removing the dmg decrease along with the hp increase and make it its own build category since it’s the only one that effects raw stats for whatever reason.

I’m pretty sure the damage decrease from Vitality was just a symptom of early tester PvP, it kinda just has no basis for being in the game even with the incentivization of the use of Spirit Weapons when they get added. Like you said it’s not insanely harsh but it still hurts, I rock full powerful sunken + powerful arcsphere + powerful defense amulet and I still don’t even hit 200 w my Earth blasts (excluding boost from bleed)

As i said in a previous reply, it seems like the hp increase is there to give you a higher… let’s call it resource pool, for your spirit weapons. Spirit weapons again, according to the trello, are meant to drain your lifeforce to deal damage to an enemy. If they drained health to use, and didn’t increase your hp with vit, they would either need to do absurd damage, or have absurd utility to see any sort of competitive advantage to using them. The hp increase is similar in concept to the energy increase investing points in the other three stats gives you.

Vitality in general has just been approached terribly from a design standpoint in this game, it’s a stat that takes away from your build instead of adding to it. You lose tiers, you lose damage, you lose stats that could reach ability thresholds if invested elsewhere, and currently you even lose energy, in exchange for gaining HP (not even an HP regen boost if these changes go through). Just inherently very poorly designed, every stat should bolster your build, not subtract from it

The increase in hp itself isn’t very well thought out because it’s counterintuitive to go a tank build with vitality. You’d get a greater hp increase ratio wise for going a glass cannon vitality build than a tank one because vit gives flat hp. If vit is supposed to be this “resource pool” to use your weapon, then does defense from armor not literally do the same but much more? You’d get triple the hp from armor than vit would give and about the same as what vit would give just by leveling up.

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Never once in the patreon discoed chat have i heard a tester talk about a previous vitality meta when I’ve complained about vitality before, all i’ve heard from them was theoretical bull like “well if vitality wasn’t reduced damage you’d just ge stat checked by vitality builds”, if there was a time when vitality was the meta, clearly it was before things like shapes were added, because those boosted mono-stat build viability by a lot. It may have been before the mono-stat builds were “finished” for the current level, resulting in less of a opportunity cost difference when investing in vitality, so testers felt it needed to be at least temporarily nerfed.

It doesn’t need that anymore, there’s a very good reason vitality builds are at the bottom of everyone’s tier list

Obviously it’s all just inference rn but I’d be willing to wager that Spirit Weapon HP drain is gunna be percentage based rather than flat, so that you don’t have to build full tank in order to get the most of these weapons

then again, I could see that being abused pretty heavily as it’d just make glass cannon vit builds more effective with spirit weapons than tanky vit builds with spirit weapons which just doesn’t make sense

I think that the best solution would be the self-drain being percentage based, with the strength of Spirit Weapons attacks scaling depending on how much health was lost from the drain. solves the potential problem of glass cannon vit builds getting more out of their spirit weapons and makes it so that you don’t have to build full tank to use them