Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP


Ok explosion user
Tho i agree 0.1 nerf is alot, maybe .075?

send ty

I have a full swift carina set, i literally cross the arena in 1 q, in a blink

Shit is nice, but does only have 1200 hp

Pretty sure most of the large slow magics also just so happen to be the completely busted ones due to blatantly op DoT’s.
As a matter of fact you named 4 out of 5 of the problem magics. (The fifth is acid, since it’s magma but fast, damage wise.)
What all of them have in common is insanely strong DoT + super heavy base damage. (Except crystal, who does bonus damage as a status, abusable with multi-hit ultimates.
Wish they’d just nerf them instead of reworking DoT into a formula, which affects all stat builds and innocent magics like poison.
Magma does more damage than metal in total by large margin thanks to 50% bonus damage as DoT. (It is, infact, within about 0.12 of poisons total damage per hit, but way better since much more of that damage is shifted into the impact.)
It’s getting a whole 0.025 damage multiplier nerf as result.

I have like 5slots picked a magic randomly, But the nerf to explosion will simply just make earthquake/metal a better pick due to dmg. Explosion was a different pick due to its speed. But if it loses its speed, it will lose to those magics. But yea 0.75 ot .5 is better. But my feature would be a better balance for charged magic

its still gonna be noticeably faster than earth or metal even with 0.85 speed.

You can’t think of dot’s as just straight multipliers to your damage, because that’s not what they are. They’re delayed damage, which while still strong, isn’t as good as upfront damage would be.

You also need to take into consideration the fact that dot’s cannot be stacked with dot’s of the same name, so you can’t stack burning with burning. Magma also has a dot multiplier on the lower end, and longer end, which while the length may sound good on paper, really it reduces the overall damage because you can’t re-apply it as quickly, and the damage is even further delayed. Especially in this multi-hit meta (pulsar and multi self explosion), clearly it’s not the DOT that’s the issue, it’s the aoe that allows for these multi-hits to be easy to land.

Back in WOM, metal, magma, and earth were far from meta. They were good, because if you got close and managed to land a hit they would do heavy damage, and could rely on beams, but they weren’t nearly as good as all-rounder magics like water, wind, shadow, etc which were much easier to land but did less damage. The only reason they’re meta now is because the size increase from all the different size multipliers we get makes them piss easy to land.

It would unironically be a buff for poison.
Use pulsar? Abysmal DoT
Use beam? Abysmal DoT
Any multi-hit or weak damaging single hit ability will just lock you out for 20 seconds before you can apply a new instance of poison. Enemy will out regen it with ease while you are stuck with a pitiful 0.75x base damage. Not mention the enemy can block your first ability as you initiate combat to reduce your DoT to essentially nothing since it is based off the blocked dmg

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It really doesnt change to a better damaging dot when you re-apply it?

Nah doesnt reapply or extend duration. If you beam someone and land a blast the dot will still be from the beam

Thats mighty stupid
I do feel like poison should be atleast be able to do that

Since like, DoT is its entire identity

After watching it back like 30 times there’s actually a really slight difference, i could only tell cause you could see more of the health bar of the ship in the top right

(i also don’t have any agility and only 10 atk size on this file so not sure if that factors in)

So thats why every mage i fight magically appears 5 stories high and spamming pulsar

ill talk about it balance wise rather than bug wise if its by that little then
we’ll see their thoughts

While ur doing that, multi jumps need a buff badly, especially 3+ jumps. You could argue they’re for keeping airtime, but how are you supposed to get out of the sea quickly when they only lift you up by 0.2 Iris.

have a different key for a single jump, or use a second magic for a single jump if you’re a mage

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Im a berserker so i can only have jumps in one style only

i have an idea that relly support the point of dash staling, and how it should be nerf beyound what is currently stated right now.
the idea is to nerf the dash to around 3 second per 1 dash(if no agility stat are present)
the reason this will help improve the combat significantly because

  • for weapon, it’ll allow warrior movement ability to mean a lot more and allow them to gap closing to the mage easier. allowing them to have a bit more mobility than mages
    -for strenght, it allow them a lot more chance to have meaningful dmg with their m1 if other player carelessly use their move(also allowing berserker to dash a bit more often than other class after awaken) allowing the red class to be as scary as they are named.
    -for magic, it encourages them to longer spam their move and think more carefully before they cast spell (this would be even more impactful if the base casting speed are reduce which i suggest for all class)

  • for all pvp, this would allowing blocking and parrying to be a lot more viable during combat, and make the player decision has real impact on combat and not spam shift to get out of all trouble.

  • the dash cool down should somehow be scaled with agility, possibly with the meter like suggested in the doc but has a lot less base regeneration.

*i would also suggest that base casting speed should be reduce and/or power stat should reduce casting speed (like vitality do with dmg) (this will also help diversify the build and balance the power stat)
*this pair with the idea that base casting speed should be lower for all class will make combat a lot more decision base rather than reaction base.
as for example
if mage were to go more dmg heavy they’ll have a longer cast time, and if they don’t space well enough they’ll be punished by the other class and take more dmg than they deal. sinces they only have a dash every few secon it make them think it is worth and if the enemy have the move to get to them and deal more dmg than they can deal.
also when casting speed is lowered, it is easier to block or parry an attack so fight will still last long enough to be enjoyable.
attack speed and agility will be valued a lot more from these changes.

Hope you get some idea from what i said if someone have read it

(also a teleport lost spell should work nicely, to have almost instant but very long cooldown movement for a mage to not be punished as hard from having less movement and speed than other class)

what do you think of my suggestion, it just an idea which are not refined at all, but i just to point out what the possible positive effect might be for a more drastic changes in this direction.

hopefully you get something from it and am not just reapeating what you already though about. or at least you have a view of what a good combat for a player look like.

sorry if the @ is annoying and i’ll accept anything if this disrupted you but i just wanted to share this idea.

Oh summon thee @ThatOneGuy