Arcane Odyssey Wish List

This thread is for things that you want in AO that will probably never be in or will probably take forever:

  • I want my crewmates to talk more, they just feel like randos. Granted I got attached to the Redwake boys but I wish they talked more.
  • Ezinor had more appearances in the game, right now he’s just a dude, my favorite quartermaster but still.
  • If gem crafting involves actual gems you can use the Magius artifacts to wear them as a cool trophy item.

I would want sensing to not just be ESP but leaves a slightly faded model of your character through the walls and not just slap your name and level there.


A suggestion once made for dynamic talking for NPCS

Better vanity (idk) and more vanity options

Use of any name from this list!! Browse Names - Behind the Name

i mean they are literally randomised

You’re right but still I wished they felt more “human”. At least the death quotes for NPCs were oddly good for some reason, hopefully crewmates will get some too.

  • 2 Planned Clan Naval War on a separate server where everyone else has spectator view, with a good chunk of the ships made Vetex listed so there some diversity on the fleets

  • Having the ability to talk to Minibosses like Kai and Merlot

  • Myriad Unlocked

  • Vice Captain Uniform Tweaks

  • Death Curse Easter Egg before Morden gets it in the story when the Dark Sea is implemented (The curse is still unobtainable)

  • More Base Weapon Types, specifically Scythes


me staring at discord to copy your suggestion
sky-ship battles.


Sounds fun, imagine giving your crewmates clown noses

Oh I just meant changing the Vice Captain uniform into something better looking, but thats cool too

  • Places to buy readable books (and more books in general)
  • More ancient texts
  • Ability to own a skyship
  • Sky skates
  • More secrets per island
  • More places like Akursius Keep (because it’s really cool)
  • A return of the Flight spell in some way

Reminds me of an idea I has were you could make custom buried treasures, treasure chests, and treasure charts with custom loot for others to interact with, just because it sounds fun.

oh boy, can’t wait for someone to post something like “sex” or some other weird shit

or someone quotes the man Vetex


i wish for elemental and magic limb spells

  • Make swimming while not in combat regen stamina extremely slowly (like 1% a second) while not moving horizontally cause drowning feels way too easy, this would make drowning nearly impossible unless you’re carelessly going after diving spots and still makes swimming an awful movement method after running out of stamina
  • Projectiles with large collision hitboxes almost immediately collide with the ground if you use them while standing on flat ground, so give them a separate smaller hitbox that exclusively collides with terrain
  • Add a short horizontal dash option for magic leap and airstep that can only be used once every ~15 seconds and shares the cooldown system with leap/airstep so you can only use one dash or leap before you need to touch the ground again (the 15 second cooldown won’t be shared with leaps, you’d still be able to leap any time after touching the ground again)
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• Shape option’s being unlockable earlier on in game because I think investing 200+ points to change the shape of your blast is a bit much

• Customizable crew mates

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  1. Plant Magic. I don’t understand why you can control something as specific as ash, but not plants. You’d probably be able to do a lot of cool stuff with it visually, like having it’s blast spell resemble a cluster of leaves or having it’s Pillar explosion involve a tall sprout coming from the ground.

  2. Just like the original poster, I’d also like there to be more dialogue from crew members while sailing which changes depending on which crew you have equipped. The Redwake crew talks about what it’s like to live in the jaws, the Sailor crew talks about rumours and sea monsters, and the Ravenna deserters crew talks about war stories. That’s not all though, if you don’t know, joining one of the game’s preset clans (Grand Navy and the Assassin Syndicate) also overwrites your crew on your ship, and this crew also should have unique dialogue. The Grand Navy crew talks about high-ranked GN members and the Syndicate crew talks about the world’s most famous heroes.

Same with co-captains, although it’s a bit harder due to how they are random and lack any story (besides the two you can find).

grand navy and assassin syndicate merchandise store, so that we arent hardstuck to the preset outfits

i would make this a suggestion , however i am far too lazy

You know that reminds me where the fuck is everybody getting the material for clothes from?