Arcane Reborn general chat

Very big daggers.

wait hear me out
evander gs = just the biggest knife ever(as of now)

At least the theos arena is better than the original one in AA, which was literally just a box

The webcomic missed the part where I have to kill bandits for most of the third sea

500 Gunslingers

Alalean guards: ā€œAre we a joke to you?ā€

Also why did AR 1.1 remove like 70% of the quests

I think fruits were also like in AO, certain fruits spawning on certain islands
Now you just find any fruit wherever

Idk but I am glad they removed sage and rupin from the storyline

People thought elius was too big of a difficulty spike, Iā€™d pay to see them try to fight old rupin at level 270

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musketless rupin on level is the hardest boss in any arcane game

If your ping was above 150 you were legit just done with the storyline, you couldnā€™t progress any further, sage and angel were bad too but at least you could cheese them

Did khnum and tutenrah exist at the time?

Yeah actually thanks for reminding me of the utter bullshit that was old tutenrah

both were extremely easy to cheese

Khnum was but the ā€œcheeseā€ of spamming healing circle pots for tutenrah didnt work because his earth q dealt 900 damage and outpaced even 3 active pots at once

for khnum boxing q made him break his legs
for tutenrah he would just void himself if you did it right (been ages so i forgot exactly how)

That glitch happened almost a year after 3rd sea update because the game broke and the devs didnt give a shit since they were doing 1.1, i do remember what youā€™re talking about though, was still shitty to pull off consistently

ah i see

He was very much not, I punched him to death
(also what do you mean musketless, the musket canā€™t even damage him)

petition to make Rupin die instantly if he touches seawater(because as of rn he doesnā€™t)