Arcane Reborn general chat

Something I learned a bit ago
We went to fight him, he attacked us up close, fell into the sea, survived just fine

i wanna see someone rebuild this in AO

People with a single curse don’t instantly die if they touch water, it just damages them considerably, which is why it is still their weakness.
Rupin clearly just wants to show off

So Morock Creed just had a skill issue?

Considering that people can go into shock just from how cold water is and become unable to swim, I think the pain (which he wouldn’t be used to considering his power) would probably do the same.
Or maybe he did just have a skill issue (he didn’t think to evaporate the water or fly away or anything like that)

Add it to the list of Curse users who have swords for no real reason.

  • Morock Creed
  • Torren Corvus Cross
  • Freedrock
  • Arsen
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Cold water is actually a sick lost magic idea. Free freeze interaction.
Frostwater Magic maybe? Because Frostwater Bow exists.

“Oh this looks like normal water magic”
“wrong, paralysis”

Also, why did the AR wiki people lock the Weapons template? I want to move Rigel’s Apotheosis out of the Legendary Weapons class.

I also want to completely remove the Exotic Weapons class.

Why are these specific ones categorized by rarity, and everything else is based on usage-case?

Morock does have a sword for a reason though. It’s use is to bypass the mental strain that over-using the powers of the Promethean Fire Curse come with lol

I assume this is also the same reason Torren uses Folly. (or used it, before it became useless due to his insanity)

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AU lore be like:

Or maybe he just wanted a cool flaming sword. Using the sword seemed to just be his equivalent of limiting his power if he wasn’t in a difficult fight.

Because these ones are actually rare

Why? It’s a legendary weapon

Apparently so that you won’t ruin it

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It’s a weapon with Legendary rarity. It is not a Legendary Weapon in the sense that it is earned from a Legendary Chart like the rest.

Boss Drops and Dungeon rewards would make more sense.

wait they removed sage?

Bad news, that’s his old look.

still not a big fan of their mutation chart, it feels so unnecessarily limited just to make all the magics have the same amount of mutations, and they don’t include speed magic

wait they don’t even have poison magic listed in the current variation, what about amon?

“hm, I should play AR right about now”
Proceeds to get spawnkilled by one guy like 20 times in a row as he repeatedly tells me how bad I am at the game

The heck is Ruin magic?

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it sounds like some kind of deterioration magic, probably makes things just fall apart or weather