Arcane Wiki closed. Anybody else notice this?

You can’t access it anymore without permission. I was going to check the Arcane Odyssey Trello when I noticed that the Arcane Wiki had been removed from my starred boards. I had a link to the board on my Arcane Lore Encyclopedia, so I tried using that but it didn’t let me view the board.

What happened???

This saddens me, I loved the Arcane Wiki. Every Christmas morning, I’d cheerfully wake up and yell “MOMMY I AM GOING TO READ THROUGH THE CARD ABOUT ARCANIUM AND MAGIC WEAPON TIERS AGAIN” I loved destroying people’s ears, even if it means I now have to pay off millions of dollars of compensation to the now-deafened neighbors, once I am 18. (none of that really happened but I did like the arcane wiki and I did have a weird infatuation with the magic weapon tier info)

Oof it also says that the card is not found for me too ;(

Since the embed failed it doesn’t show the link.

Luckily Arcane still exists, which has a lot of the same information

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You can thank me.

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Also everything not currently on lore doc non-canon unless it’s been said in the past ~6 months - year

poor Sond


lost to time


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