Architect Merlot fanart

he is pog


While I can definitely beat Kai in a one-on-one, I don’t think I can with this man

He’s all pog and rizzed up, until he ends up detonating the explosive barrel trap I hid behind the wall and he ends up in dire need of immediate medical attention.


Oooooooo he is very pog indeed, especially in your artstyle

He looks like he would bring out a band to play classical music while he fights you

Thig guy is most annoying assasin to find in bronze sea. If he didnt create giant poison clouds fighting him would be much easier

If it really annoys you, use fire or plasma magic to give him a taste of his own medicine

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I have too big spells and cant hit him

Your spells are too big to hit him?


Remember that meme with giant dragon head blast? Thats basiclly me

absolutely fire work, looks amazing

Think you can beat me? Think again!

proceeds to run across white summit

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when I’m a famous assassin architect with poison magic and weapon mastery and a level 1 nobody walks into my base:
Evil Squidward Meme Generator - Imgflip
I fill up the room with poisonous gas and prepare to kill them:


they use fire magic.

Squidward Awkward GIF - Squidward Awkward Nose - Discover & Share GIFs

I can’t open doors.


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me fr

Yo this is sick! It’s great seeing some love for Architect Merlot, I always thought he was cool but he got a bad rep on release because of how cheeseable his fight was.

I’m genuinely terrified of merlot, even though I still consider kai to be harder, because kai doesn’t have a spam attack that does like 50 per hit, but his aura is absolutely terrifying, it makes me imagine that the air itself is a toxic environment.

imagine merlot with death magic tho

THE Waltz of Death

What kind of evil, malice, or sadism lies behind that wretched mask?

Merlot just looks so gosh darn villainous. He could suffocate anyone just with his near demonic aura. I pray to those who dare fight this man (if he even is a man to begin with).

not smash, frick this guy and his innability to jump (cool art btw)

:fire_magic: :plasma_magic_var1:

“You underestimate our power”