Are any of y’all are going to join the Grand Navy?

AG, we don’t know if the GN will be toxic or not.

they are essentially the same thing,
A.G will relentlessly hunt anyone with a sliver of bounty for the smallest bit of A.G.R, i doubt anything will change with G.N in ao

Assassins Syndicate :pray:

The forums party seems to think I will be

do you have to join a side or can you remain neutral?

You can have your own clan or ride solo

can confirm

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I’ve already joined hehe

I’ll probably have 1 file in each just for experience reasons but if I’m gonna do any more the uniforms are a big factor. We still don’t know if we have to wear it permanently or if there are variations to the uniforms. The “buster call” function is nice so I might make use of that tho

Who has more drip tho, gravy or syndicate

it has to be syndicate right?

Looking back i say GN ftw

I’m gonna be the king of the pirates

ain’t nobody got time for the navy

gonna join, because why not? Why should not i try? ( atleast gonna try on alt accounts)

on my warden or conjurer acc, for sure. The GN looks awesome! I plan on having one account for GN, one for Guildless (chad) and one for the Syndicate. The Guildless would likely be my main, but we’ll see.

Same im gonna be AO anarchist

ew gross, sea cops

Destroy the government

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