Are Darkflame and Aetheral flame still canon?

title (asking because they haven’t mentioned anywhere in the updated lore docs or the trello)

If they were part of canon, then they are still canon

(unless it was in WOM part of story)

I don’t think that there would’ve been any point in retconning them, so they’re probably still cannon.
If they did get retconned, then that would only leave 3 grand flames, which isn’t as neat a number as 5.

Yes, the grand fire magics are all still canon

Yeah they should, the only thing retconned related about Darkflame is the Curse User Torren, while Aethereal Flame has yet to be mentioned in general


aethereal flame and darkflame aren’t in AA, AO or any of the trello boards that we have access to. I can’t say about online fighting, but I doubt they’re there. If they were already canon in online fighting, we’d probably have some mention of them in AA, and the fact that morock’s sword didn’t give a status effect called “darkflame burn” or “aethereal burn” indicates that those may have been a late addition to the lore, possibly even after AA closed. While there is a discord message from vetex from 2020 which lists the grand fire curses and includes darkflame and aethereal flame, vetex tends to treat things that he writes as not necessarily canon unless they’re in AA, which he specifically tries to establish continuity with, or on some kind of document that he is able to update as needed

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