Are savants with Vitality even useful right now?

I do understand that savants with vitality is able to use the eagle patrimony but it’s not that great. They only use it for a HP boost.

I know that next update, there are more moves to be used by savants in the vit section but I doubt it would be as effective as the other classes. And it’s the beauty of savant, being able to use a variety of skills.

But I’m talking about now, is vit on savant even used by others regularly or is it just there to boost HP for y’all?

NO you just become a slightly tankier level 100

Well probably just the HP boost.

Savant main here
I have 70 vit rn
Which equates to 280 extra hp
It’s really good, I don’t need extra moves since my arsenal basically covers every spot already

pass me the stats and build

70 vit
60 mag
90 str
70 wea
acid, cfist, boxing, eagle, dual swords, dual flintlocks
(the build i choose is what i find fun/personal attachment, not what is meta)

aight thx same frfr