Are Sirens Harpies?

When I think of Sirens I think of like mermaids but the Sirens here looks like Harpies who happens to function similarly to Sirens. Though last I checked harpies don’t wear clothes and have human hands

Sirens in Greek mythology are half bird half human rather than the half fish half human interpretation

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Really? I didn’t know that. Media usually depict them as mermaid-like

It kind of corrupted to the modern version we know as mermaids. From what I researched (Wikipedia lol), it said they were depicted as AO Sirens, but by the classical greek times they are depicted as fishlike. Considering the fact that AO is inspired by The Oddysey, and in that story the protag is dealing with sirens, which were depicted as birdlike. Henceforth, vetex chose that depiction. And also mermaids is such a given in a sea based game, might as well spice it up

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I also think the bird depiction is cooler because I like birds and am biased

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vetex would get murdered if moderation saw that sirens didn’t at least have clothes on

You are not alone on this, god damn google shows you a mermaid.
And yes, most people think of sirens as those mermaids that lure sailors


Europe :roll_eyes:

bruh i thought mermaids and sirens are different