Are the people in the One shot pirates with names of the gods actually the gods?

I know Poseidon is but is Apollo and stuff actually Apollo or someone named Apollo

Kind of. They are gods, but, in the Arcane Trilogy lore, gods are pretty much just humans with a lot of magic.

Poseidon is, but i’m not sure about Apollo, or Triton.

No, they are immortal.
Where are you getting your lore again?

No, they are not.

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Gods are immortal lol, but they can die, being immortal does not exempt you from death, also they are probably weaker because Olympus is gone, they were very likely much much stronger before Olympus fell

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Sorry, I confused immortal with invulnerable. Also…

…they are also probably a bit weaker because they are dead.

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There were survivors._. But a lot of the gods died, I’m also pretty sure that we’re counting the lesser known gods if Triton is actually one of the gods and Apollo, 98% sure Poseidon is confirmed to actually be Poseidon

After defeating Durza, the Peacekeeper sailed far south to the uncharted seas and eventually found Hades, the last remaining god. They defeat Hades, relieving the world of its last major threat.

You do realize that that is after AA right? I’m talking about when the One shot pirates were still all alive ._.

Oh, sorry. I thought your comment was about AO.


I get my lore from the official lore doc. Not random forum posts by Tech (who has said contradictory things in the past and been corrected by Vetex).

40% of all humans are dead after this hundred year war, and even a few gods from Mount Olympus, including Prometheus himself, perished.

That definition only applies to organizations. When referring to people, to perish means to die. If you look at the first definition (that you conveniently cropped out), it says “suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.”

Sorry I fell asleep

Where does it say it only applies to organizations? And English words have multiple definitions in case you didn’t know. It’s also based on Greek lore and according to Greek lore, gods can’t die.

The word “dead” has also been listed 20 times but it never called a god “dead.” Closest thing is calling it “undead”

Oh nice you’re up and at it criticizing every little damn thing that absolutely no one but you would notice.

Bruh it’s just lore stfu with your toxic ass.

Ah look who’s talking? You fucking criticize every forum user on every little thing and you’re calling me toxic for calling you out

I’m not criticizing anything, your dumbass can’t tell a correction between criticism and your salty about how you posted a suggestion that literally had no reason next to it.