Considering how often morden is actually with us, no not really
I’m a little confused on your point here, what has a Morden done that makes him comparable to ritual sacrifice cultists? I dunno if Vetex would or wouldn’t let us let someone like that on our boat I just don’t get what you’re trying to do with this Morden comparison.
Joking about how he’s a FREAK
How exactly is he a freak
Still joking
this reminds me of
What are the seekers of sight?
Makrinaos still water Cult
It’s a theory bro, stop being that guy if ykwim
I can’t beleive I am saying this, but stocksounds is kinda in the right, the theory isn’t that good (understatement ) but he is in the right spot to speak about said theory
I just think they two are from same tradition and the clothes are just from their traditional things.
That can explain why they wear same outfit even through they lived in diffrent century.
And about outfit category, I dont think that is actually lore based.
At the very least it’s a step up from randomly derailing an entirely unrelated topic about it
I have a feeling that Vetex just thought it was a good outfit to reuse for this, but outside of Makrinaos and maybe any other Seekers of Sight related stuff it’s just another outfit some npcs wear without much meaning beyond that.
That said I do think it’s possible they’re still around, supposing that there’s stuff for them past the Banished King boss.
This thread got me thinking if there could be lore reasons for the existence of some outfit themes. Obviously the Sailor/Pirate themes are there because that’s the style of the game, but some of the more niche ones are interesting to think of. My eyes are on the Engineer styles specifically, because there isn’t really anything in-universe that would fit alongside the outfits.
As for Occult styles, NPCs wearing them probably want to hide their identity.
It makes sense that even if it isn’t the same exact group, the ritual chamber would still be active, because let’s remember that one of the candles in there was still lit
Oh yeaah, I was wondering what that detail meant!
Also also, another thing to note: other places affected by Chaos, like Akursius, don’t still have active particles of their magic floating around
Edit: also, the blood in the puddle you fall into was still liquid.
Well, they also don’t have mad possessed people, I think we should wait on that one.
I mean, doesn’t Rackham’s book say something about a “crazy guy” talking about explosions and stuff, and that causing the entire staff of the island to just stop sleeping and stuff? It’s been a while since I read it but I’m fairly sure I remember it.
Also, that doesn’t change the fact that the blood in that hole should have dried up so long ago if there wasn’t any new murdering going on
I’m willing to accept it either way with the hole. I wouldn’t put it past Vetex to completely forget that flesh rots, since we currently have at least 3 different versions of regular skeleton textures.
I still don’t actually know what was up with the crazy guy on Akursius who predicted the future. So much about all that is unexplained, I still think we should wait on new evidence to crop up.