Oh yeaah, I was wondering what that detail meant!
Also also, another thing to note: other places affected by Chaos, like Akursius, don’t still have active particles of their magic floating around
Edit: also, the blood in the puddle you fall into was still liquid.
Well, they also don’t have mad possessed people, I think we should wait on that one.
I mean, doesn’t Rackham’s book say something about a “crazy guy” talking about explosions and stuff, and that causing the entire staff of the island to just stop sleeping and stuff? It’s been a while since I read it but I’m fairly sure I remember it.
Also, that doesn’t change the fact that the blood in that hole should have dried up so long ago if there wasn’t any new murdering going on
I’m willing to accept it either way with the hole. I wouldn’t put it past Vetex to completely forget that flesh rots, since we currently have at least 3 different versions of regular skeleton textures.
I still don’t actually know what was up with the crazy guy on Akursius who predicted the future. So much about all that is unexplained, I still think we should wait on new evidence to crop up.
Can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with Stocksounds on lore. Wildest day of my life. Anyway, I agree that we should wait a bit, but also someone who has patreon should really ask some of this. I don’t want to be patient forever
That seems a little too secretive for him to reveal, honestly. This kind of stuff is the mysterious stuff.