Are we still gonna get artisan weapons?

recently remembered about the trello talking about something called “artisan weapons” which would be fully customizable and only for warrior, dont know if this was replaced by skill notes or not, if it was than ita a shame since missed opportunity for warrior love that arent rare weapons.

if it really was scrapped would be cool if they could come back as legendary weapons for each weapon type like a artisan shortsword or an artisan battle axe which in lore would be created by daedalus who is just a really cool craftsman in greek myth

or if instead, this is gonna sound terrible but WEAPON CRAFTING, its literally called an artisan weapon and artisan means to craft something with your hand, the higher the tier the better the weapon in terms of its damage, size and speed scalings, would have potential to be better than most boss drop weapons.

I love the sound of artisan weapons. I think it would be cool if you could give them custom names, like we can with our ships. Having a huge selection of blades, hilts, handles, barrels, etc would be awesome too, as well as being able to change the colour/material of them. I do believe we may get them, or at least something resembling it, as it just wouldn’t make sense for the other pure classes (zerker and mage) to get crazy out-there magics and fs, while warrior sticks to simple legendary weapons.

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I personally think its going to be a crafting system, with the possibility of unique skills that are modified versions of skills we already have.

Artisan weapons, assuming they are still being added, will probably just be this game’s stand-in for AA’s legendary weapons

The way I interpreted it was lost and legendary weapons were the lost and ancient equivalents and artisan weapons are something else entirely

Isn’t it just a warrior weapon made for the warrior build

another bad topic posted by this baboon… mods, please hang this guy on the ceiling

Where is this coming from? The trello said nothing about that.

Daedalus aint no god though (minor nitpicking)

hoping it’s like voxlblade

give me a long metal handle, no hilt, and a giant flesh blade to make a greatsword with

No fartman, you can’t make Mimicry


give me war
give me fire
give me
or i retire

i remember somethingbeing said about this, not 100% sure

It’s a very popular community theory but I’m 99% sure it doesn’t have official sourcing

retire then, because you ain’t getting that thing, or unless you put it in the shopping list forum, but no, your not getting it :slight_smile:

i mean, spirit staff thingy?