Argos's spear sucks both ingame and realistically

Of course, he is.
He has been known as the “Lion of Ravenna” for a very long time, a friend of Calvus’s father, and his death was shocking enough for me to see him as a popular person.

Not to shit on you but honestly the halberd looks light as shit. Like I can imagine myself swinging it around.

It’s not a custom or commissioned model as far as I remember, I think Vetex was just working with what he had. It could also be that the bronze is extremely dense and compacted, or alloyed with a far heavier metal. It could also be a magical process increasing the metal’s weight.

bro why would i know something like that :skull: thats like asking me what the exact density of sky island clouds are idfk


you have no idea how to tell weight then, look at olympic barbells irl, they weigh about 45lbs alone with no extra weight on them and are about the same thickness as the handle of the lion’s halberd. That combined with the fact that the halberd in length is like 9-10 ft long (based off the assumption that the character is like 6ft) it would be extremely heavy.


ratio + ur retarded as hell boy


Unless its made of paper there’s no way anybody here is swinging around a weapon bigger than ourselves lol.

irl halberds

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whoever flagged this a snowflake ass bitch

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Call me ignorant but it doesn’t seem very hard to make a guestimate for how heavy a weapon like that is but aight bossman you do you :man_shrugging:

Since when was JTN so edgy

if its not very hard then estimate it yourself based on what i replied to lichda


Honey you have no idea

So is it okay if I assumed that the halberd would be around 15-17 pounds and the lance around maybe 11-12?

(this is guessed without me knowing the actual density of bronze btw so take it with a grain of salt)

bro what…

i just replied to lichda saying that assuming the halberd is about 10 ft long and its handle is as big as a barbell, its handle alone could weigh 45lbs. If its blade is about 4-5 ft long, that part could weigh about 50-60 lbs

why would a strength weapon larger than our character weigh less than 20 lbs


this thread is so wholesome and friendly :) you all are so nice

Well, if we were to look at real life examples, a poleaxe is like only around maybe 5-7 pounds?

and assuming that this metal is heavier than normal, we could totally be liberal and add that few extra from the density of the metal.

then again, I’m not the one making the game, so if this weapon really does weigh like 90 pounds or some insane value, I guess I’ll have to live with that fact.

(Also I sort of didn’t read what you wrote to lich so my fault there)

@Misinput i will find you in Australia

hiiiiii jtn

I literally said I’m not the writer and this is just based on my own predictions