Argos's spear sucks both ingame and realistically

OK, SO, we all know the lion’s halberd, A.K.A the sickest weapon in the game currently, and we know its deformed brother the stinky lance, so, what the FUCK?


Look, it already has a stabby end at the top, so why the FUCK would you need a big ass lance too? its not like you can fit that entire thing on a human being!, and it OBVIOUSLY wouldnt be for sea beast hunting, because who the fuck stabs a white eyes with such heavy armor? its useless both ingame and realistically, NEVER let vetex cook.


crazy? i was crazy once…

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if you see this as drip you need to go to the eternal mines and dig copper right now, insane vermin.




What I’m wondering is how the Lion’s Halberd is a strength weapon but the Vindicator isn’t. Is the “white metal” really that light?

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The halberd is wielded one-handedly, I think bronze is also heavier/denser than the average metal

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It sucks at being both a halberd and a poleaxe cause it’s only really used as an axe.
the appeal of a Poleaxe and a Halberd is that you can stab with the big spike on top, use the mace on the back to break through shields and use the axe itself against open flesh.

With Argos’ shitty “Halberd” it’s pretty much only good for axing things, with the top spike being so small and the rear fluke not actually being a fluke generally used as a blunt part to dent or pierce through shields and armor but another fucking spike.

Most halberds and poleaxes also had a “Shaft”, a section of the wooden handle itself that was reinforced with iron to be used as a blunt weapon or to guard, something that is noticeably absent in the in game model


according to the wiki, he can dual wield them

he does according to the lore

found 2 pics of him dual wielding on the wiki


One handed carrying an enormous halberd is funny though

We’re men of steel in AO lifting that is like lifting a hollow metal cube which isn’t even that heavy

Bro when is halberd even gonna be a good strength weapon the Q move which is the unique move SUCKS and does NOTHING it was such a missed opportunity for being a good pvp weapon

lance is extremely good what?

Not to mention how uncomfortable it is to use in actual gameplay because there’s literally only 1 “good” consistently viable move on it and even that move is sort of boring and difficult to use.


Seismic slash sucks NGL

Ok but would you be complaining if you got skewered by that thing and roasted over an open fire like a kebab

I realized we are talking about the lance, not the halberd.

the halberd is a cool concept but I find it hard to use.

On the other hand, despite looking rather goofy and wholly unappealing to have on my avatar, the lance of loyalty is actually a very good weapon.

also realistically, the lance would be literally impossible to wield because that shit looks heavy as FUCK.

though the halberd is more logical assuming you held it with both hands, though for some reason you hold it with 1 hand.

Am i the only one that know how to use the halberd along with all of its three abilities?

Literally nobody knows what the hell seismic slash is good for ngl