Argos's spear sucks both ingame and realistically

Suprisingly even myself i can use seismic slash if i have the chances

it’s just a really bad attempt at role compression for me

Like a devastate/projectile hybrid is cool and all but the way it’s executed is TERRIBLE and arguably just useless against actually good players.

Hell, I can’t even use it against weak NPCs very easily because of how janky the debris is

I agree witht he debris part its horrible, thats why i dont care about temhe debris i care about how seismic is slight different from devestation.

Why couldnt vetex just make the debris just a singular giant rock/dirt/sand projectile with chunk of dmg instead of pennies of dmg smh

I feel like the gravity mechanic is also a poorly designed gimmick and if it worked more like a large singular projectile like you said (or just several, larger projectiles as well) that had a looping shot and traveled in an arc, that would make seismic slash so much more interesting.

The only existing projectile gravity is bows & arrows, axe throw, and seismic slash debris

Why does axe throw have gravity but other throwing weapon doesnt


Real, like why have throwing physics and why not throw like how minotaur could in wom

Okay this made me think about a strength weapon that could fit in ao

we should just be able to pick up rocks and throw them at ppl fr

For warlords and strength related builds. For real

I did some research, and that lance is pretty much just a pop culture version of a lance. Real lances were much longer, and used by cavalrymen to de-horse enemies. They eventually did have a somewhat similar shape, but it was much slimmer and there wasn’t any layering. The wide part at the end was to prevent the hand from slipping because you were pretty much slamming this through enemy cavalrymen and then lifting them off the horse. Also there is a significant lack of a counterweight. Lances almost always had a counterweight on them because you needed to hold it at length in order actually pierce through them, so basically this is hardly even a lance. You could even probably call it a spear, just a stupid one.

the lance is mainly for ceremonial purposes but he carries it around and uses it just because hes a chad. Also since its lighter than his halberd he can use it while holding something else


Ceremonial purposes? Like what?

Stabbing traitors

Interesting, so does this imply that it actually isn’t meant to be used as a weapon?

I guess our character can get pretty crafty with what they’re given haha


wait I’m genuinely confused how that giant metal pole is lighter than the slightly less giant metal stick

yes, its like how officers back in the day were gifted decorative swords or something

because the lance is a ceremonial weapon, it would be made of lighter metals unlike the halberd which is built specifically TO BE heavy


oh I see

if I can ask, then, how canonically heavy are the current strength weapons?

since the lance isn’t even a real weapon, I’d assume it’s quite light.

(if there’s somewhere where it mentions the actual known weight of the strength weapons I’d like to be directed to it :sunglasses:)

Btw with the new updates
did they even make seismic slash usable?

I remember it dealing like 10 damage tops.

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the lord has answered

Weddings, Sports events, and sometimes just entertainment.

The lance Argos use is based on a lance used for jousting rather than combat.

Although in medieval times, those types of tournaments is more to show your prowess than a sport

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