Armor Piercing stat will be a failure

well guess tanks are going to be useless now lol
can’t even win dps trades, so what’s the point

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Id be fine with AP only affecting blocks, seeing as we have bonus blocking power through gems, and shields i guess, so its not nearly as oppressive on every tank build ever.

i hate this update because i was gonna add this crappy addition to my game first :rage:

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Vetex, I hope you have heard us. You messed up this time mate

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vetex this update is scary im going to cry and hide under my blankie :cry:

Vote please

  • Intensity rework
  • Armor Piercing
0 voters

intensity rework where it actually intensifies statuses instead of just making them last longer would be nice, it already sorta does this with wind

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I still remember that one godlike intensity rework topic, and that one Mimhere’s evil “no longer planned” won’t be forgotten too

I love how theres 14% armor piercing and 100% intensity rework. Also if the profiles of people who voted “add armor piercing” were visible then they would be getting witchunted :skull:

Now the combat isnt Block parry dodge its just dodge dodge dodge

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Well, I made the poll to allow choosing both options

There is another way out. Im also a gravekeeper after all

I don’t think armor piercing on its own is a bad idea. It’s a fine option to counter high defense builds outside of “just use more power”.

However, I think the issue comes with there being no mirrored counter for high power builds which would completely prevail if ONLY armor piercing was added.

Here’s the idea I have of a stat to go with it: a “thorned” stat that deals a % of damage to who hit you based on how much damage they did. This would balance out armor piercing by adding a way to deal with high power builds without it being “just use more defense”.

Too complicated and barely anyone needs this. Easier to get rid of both thorns and AP and focus on reworking intensity

Idk. I am concerned that it’ll circumvent blocking by quite a bit that it becomes better to dodge. However we don’t know the 2nd stats of the armor it’ll be on. Or how easy it’ll be to incorporate into a build without sacrificing too much. Or it’s scaling and math

If we’re gonna replace this instead for reworking intensity we should:

A. Explain HOW to instead rework intensity
B. Explain how this is better than making the only real counters to power and defense being each other

I’m going to be real, power being only countered by higher defense and vice versa is boring as hell. The only thing preventing the meta from being a power and defense back and forth right now is just the secondary stats being stupid busted that they have a similar focus, and this is something everyone has been hating right now.

The one who created that one intensity rework topic has made it perfectly. Sadly I forgot their name

This would be absolutely horrid to fight against. Taking damage for hitting my opponent in a pvp game makes absolutely no sense. Using a glass cannon build would turn from high risk-reward into praying to the rng gods that my opponent decided not to run thorns.

Ideally we shouldn’t have to resort to stats that counter one and one thing only as armor variety is reduced as a result.

Vice versa is true for high defense anyways and without some other option the builds either become stat dumping into secondaries or a one-up battle of power and defense

Which is… what having power and defense as stats does already really. Again, armor builds really have only became either power vs defense battle where the only counter to one is to have higher of the other or dumping huge amounts of stats into one category, which while the second HAS more variety, everyone hates it regardless because secondary stats at such high amounts are stupid

Armour piercing.