Art crisis

I broke my tablet pen!

I got a wacom one DT133 for my bday, and my clumsy ass slipped and dropped the stylus that came with it.

It stopped drawing ever since and ive recently Uninstalled my driver on my PC, planning on reinstalling it later.

Is this the right thing to do? Im pretty distraught by this and i dont wanna get a replacement pen for like 30 bucks :skull:


this happened to me too, and you wont believe the crazy hack that i found to fix it

it involved stealing my sister’s tablet pen–

gg ethiron gg

If you get lucky you can get a pen for 50% off the price u said yep

Or steal.

Yall i cant steal cuz like nobody i know owns a tablet like mine :skull:

Tbh if you can find out what model ur tablet was, you can and might possibly buy a pen for that model on like amazon or wacom instead of buying one randomly

Yea ik but replacement pens for the wacom are ong like 30 freaking bucks :sob:

Bro wtf :sob:

Maybe try and find a way to repair the digital pen?
From the image it kinda looks like it could be repaired but got no idea

I deleted my driver and ima re-install it i hope thats the issue