Art Set: Dark Sea

I’ve been going to the Dark Sea a lot with my brother recently in AO so I draw the goofy goobs :] (I was going to draw 4-6th reach but my wrist hurts and I think I’ve been drawing non stop all 2 days)

Here is the drawing without fancy card border (Mutated atlanteans are hard to draw ;-; for a moment when coloring I thought it looked like Taiyaki :skull:)

“I’m going a tad silly… Goofy even!”

(With out black outline thing)


-(Hope you all like the new shading I’m doing :] I think it looks nice (could be worked on) I was trying to draw more backgrounds instead of just… PlAIN COLOR BACKGROUND for everything

-I was going to make another goofy card of the 4-6th reaches but my wrist is begging to take a break so maybe Dark Sea part 2 set in the future? Just found out about the Abyss Sea AU (Very epic, can’t wait to cry in bed at the stories because a character I like dies :])

-I was going to make Elius but my brain went “NO! Dark Sea go BRRRRRRRR

-I just realized male sirens are a real thing and where just forgotten about (I sense another oc in my head… but must resist…)


siren is hot

You sure do have potential :speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head:

you have potential. keep cooking.

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Honored to have you comment :], Thank you! Your art is great too!

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It’s already evident you got potential, hell your composition and layout in the background is a heck alot better than mine, keep going :fire:

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Currently doing some dark sea related character sheets and im looking for one more oc to include

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I’m unsure how to help, hope you can find one to include👍

all my Ocs (That I posted so far) are a bit plain and I’m fixing their stories.

Ic, still continue composing your backgrounds effectively :fire::fire::fire:

Imma nap

the composition of this looks so cool!! it reminds me of a tarot card, i love all the little details of your art sets

as a dark sea enjoyer who knows nothing about the dark sea, you COOKED

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You did good on the backgrounds👍 Also, really fancy border. I liek!

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For a moment I thought the text said “The budget is demanding”

My cursive ain’t the best