Art tools I use

Somebody asked here, so I will paste my answer so I may bookmark it if anyone was ever curious.

I use the Procreate App for my iPad with an Apple Pencil. These can be expensive, so if you’re a minor I recommend asking for it for an event like Christmas.

In terms of brushes I used the technical pen for line work and sketching. For coloring I used the jagged brush, salamanca, tamar, or spectra depending on the texture. The old and dry brushes worked well for adding fur highlights and shading. The elements section also has really nice base brushes. Spraypaints like the medium and fat nozzle are good for stars and galaxies, same with flicks. I use flare for stars, as well as the light pen and brush for glowing things. Nebula is really nice for space things too.

This set is free to download, but I now use the Sharp Inker for human works. I recommend having a certain pressure curve for this one or else you’ll be flipping from max to minimum a lot.

I primarily use the painting brush and sampled brush 17 3 in the Aaron Griffin brushes (free).

I also have all his other brush packs, but they’re not necessary. You can search for it on artstation, there’s a link to his gumroad.

Windseeker on Instagram has decent scale brushes, but I’d recommend you refer to her art to see where she uses them.

Flora (also good for painting)

One that I like to have but still wouldn’t recommend is the Visual Timmy XL Brush pack. I only really use the space textures for things like stars.

For traditional I just use a 0.7mm-0.3mm mechanical pencil and Prismacolor pencils. Any paper works, but I usually do so in sketchbooks.


Painting Brushes

I’m not a good painter, but everything in the Elementals series is drawn with the painting brushes and a mix of Visual Timmy’s

Traditional works

Sharp Inker Pressure Curve

(normal brushes)

Sharp Inker (a little exaggerated)


thanks liu ! could always count on you

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