wait you get a uniform?
Yeah, he started designing them after he completed the gravy
Yea he made those and it said it on the patch note when he finished the functionality
What I assume AS’ uniform will look like:
What I predict AS’ uniform will look like:
What I hope AS’ uniform will look like:

Assassin’s Creed fans are getting their piece of the cake
Really hope the hoods or masks can be taken off in vanity so I can at least show my face.
gyat daaaaaaamn this pic goes hard
have you seen the uniforms? and if you have which do you think look better
i havent seen the uniforms yet
assume vs predict?
Assume; first thoughts/expectations when hearing “Assassin’s Syndicate”, what I think it could be but won’t be
predict; thought more and realistic expectations for what it might be, though tbh that image I used isn’t perfect since I think it’d be a black coat but /shrug didn’t search that long
idk, it’ll prolly follow the basic of Grand Navy/AG, having like gauntlets or something
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