
How elite assassins operate in the War Seas

  • Train in the deadly assassination strategy of rushing your targets head on and either stabbing or punching them to death in minute long battles

  • The leader is just whoever possesses the most brute force

  • Wear edgy red uniforms so everyone knows you’re assassins

  • Pile 30 or so guys into a massive ship which is painted black and red so everyone knows you’re assassins

  • Carry massive vaults of blueprints and weapons and treasure maps on said ships so whenever someone sinks one they get easily traceable material

  • Get into fights with randoms by rushing your ships at every single vessel that isn’t directly criminal

  • Get in fights with the navy or the Ravenna government whenever possible

  • You’re still technically assassins since you get paid to fight in brute force battles against random guys minding their own business/standing in the middle of nowhere


Least obvious undercover Grand Navy member


I don’t remember the last time I got one of these messages

Don’t get me started on them as well

  • Military ranks given based on how strong you are

  • send your best guys to go patrol random waters while your worst guys guard the prison

  • So called “vice admirals” only ever show up for executions and then they leave

  • Despite having thousands of ships with powerful guys on them you still have to pay random dudes to capture criminals because you never think to check the islands

  • When you arrest someone, only kill them if they possess enough brute force, not based on their crimes

  • The maximum prison sentence, obtainable from killing numerous high ranking leaders, is half a day


Me either but I’ve been liking a lot of clans I see in #clans:clan-recruitment so that’s been consuming them like crazy

huh. makes sense

You forgot to mention:

  • Place a bounty on someone for doing community service and nothing more
  • “Hide” out in a base that is clearly shown off to be your base by the banner featuring your well-known insignia at the entrance
  • Send your weakest ranks at a considerably strong Wizard, instead of just a single strong dude to clean them up effortlessly

real talk, it would be both really cool and really annoying to drive up to an ordinary merchant ship, hop on to buy something, and then get jumped by the entire crew because they’re actually assassins.

Yeah I think instead of them being obvious goons, bring back randomizes attackable NPCs and have some be assassins, and then once the player is wanted then the assassin’s around them will activate