Aster (OC)

Been writing down stuff of this character, finally gets to draw it.

Synopsis of character:

Aster represents an experimental creation undertaken by the Order of Aesir. Designed as an artificial curse holder, Aster surpasses the conventional abilities of regular Order officers by harnessing the mysterious elements of the Dark Sea. This extraordinary entity possesses the remarkable skills of imitation and shapeshifting, exhibiting the capability to transform into virtually anything.


His full form reminds me of Philip


This is really cool! I like Aster’s concept-

Ayo, what the Aster and the Dalcie doin’?
Regardless, very very interesting character.

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Synopsis of character:

Aster represents an experimental creation undertaken by the Order of Aesir. Designed as an artificial curse holder, Aster surpasses the conventional abilities of regular Order officers by harnessing the mysterious elements of the Dark Sea. This extraordinary entity possesses the remarkable skills of imitation and shapeshifting, exhibiting the capability to transform into virtually anything.

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Funny fellow!

oh boy manmade horrors within my comprehension

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holy cold

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fellow dark sea creature oc haver, lets gooooo!!!

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mmm eldritch horror meets psychopath

Dont say it dont say it dont say it dont say it

Nice art

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really like to know more about Aster. Seems like an interesting concept.

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Im sorry but what?

the hell you yapping about

Bro’s is about to get cooked by the forum… he was onto NOTHING.

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While yes there are quite a large number of posts relating to someone’s oc, you shouldn’t just tell people to draw something else because you don’t like seeing those posts

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As an artist, kindly hush and let people draw what they want. Artists aren’t doing this for you, so don’t act like you have any right to control their work and hobbies.


he said what a lot of people were thinking of saying, but would you actually do it?

dawg we found the fucking YAPMASTER.
Bro hasn’t heard of originality, nor does he even know that it takes time to improve and get better at it.
Besides, Aster is a pretty notable standout as well.

Get the fuck out of the kitchen; you’re burning it to a crisp, as in the kitchen itself AND the food, there’s acid corroding everything, somehow you got the fucking soup to melt the cauldron full of spiders AND it’s going through the floor, there’s fucking pufferfish poison in the air after you found a way to POP ONE LIKE A BALLOON, there’s burning crude oil on the floor (how even dawg???), and even after ALL OF THIS, somehow THE FOOD IS STILL SO RAW IT’S STILL MOVING. LOOK AT THIS SHIT, EVEN THE CARROTS ARE SPROUTING NEW ROOTS!


Local forum user decides that something is unoriginal, gets blasted by a big death beam.