Aster (OC)

here’s a tip: stop drawing furries :100:

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It costs you absolutely zero dollars to just let people draw and design their characters how they want.

you see, I visit the forums rarely and play AO once a month or so because I got better stuff to do than brag bout a random slav behind a fucking screen, here’s a tip: abandon ship and go cook some food or find a hobby that will make you a better human being

Did I ever tell them they can’t? I just shared my opinion about their and other artists’ creations, nothing more, lad.


I’m probably going contacts one of the mods to lock the post. (I mean already did). I swear, how come each time Acko post something. Something chaotic happen??

“I shared my opinion”
Correction: I insulted their work and told them to make something different because I hate edgy OCs so that must mean this is bad and unoriginal grrrrrr

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That what’s buddy bud basically said in a nutshell. :fr:

I told the fax, which is that this character looks edgy as hell, ad that I am not a big fan of those types of drawn beings. That was sharing opinion.

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If you hate the drawing so much then just keep scrolling instead of putting them down for not drawing in a style that you like.

no, your post very clearly read as “this art is bad, go make something else instead because i don’t like it”

it’s 20 to 1, when this many people are against you for what you say, you’re usually wrong. you don’t get to dictate what other people draw, it wasn’t made specifically for your entertainment. there’s nothing wrong with someone wanting to draw their character they put thought and effort into designing and thinking up a backstory and sharing it with people. please just stop talking, no one cares for your opinion

I did that purely because at that point of time I had little amounts of tasks to complete, and I decided to share the opinion of mine on this piece of art.

fun fact: if you don’t like it, you can just leave the page! either click the back arrow or press ctrl w on your keyboard. this art wasn’t made for you, it doesn’t have to follow your specific tastes

You don’t have to put down people’s art like that man…

20v1, huh? Who am I actually kidding…? Yall probably won’t accept that I have different opinions on this, and I won’t change my mind, so… what’s the point?

a different opinion that simply is completely and utterly useless, because acko didn’t make this art with YOU in mind, so who are you to even comment on whether or not their work is to ‘your taste’ and whatnot. If you want artists to draw what you want so badly, pay up.

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yea the point is to accept that you sound like an entitled little bitch complaining about art someone else made and shared with everyone (not you specifically) for free just because they wanted to

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So you want to continue? Sure, you see, I can be considered an “entitled little bitch” in terms of art, but this is mostly because I have not only a different taste but decided to post a comment regarding my thoughts on this and an idea.