The in game set values are kinda dog water, maybe if they were more accurate you could rely on them, but currently they just don’t make since. For example, the in game value says that headless is worth 3.5k, which is completely wrong. Also economies, complex and simple, all rely heavily on different people in the economy being willing to buy things at different prices.
Even this isn’t really true, venders sell for less than the actual value that the item shows. if you open your inventory and than hover over an item, it says the value. a vender buys the item from you for less than the value, and I don’t think it’s consistant. I get the wish for simplicity in the value of items, but when you talk about real people’s behaviors while buying things you can’t put an exact value on it as this doesn’t apply for all people. Even in real life when a price ceiling appears on an item, the supply drops.
I’d agree. though the value of something changes depending on the person. Someone might find Atlantean essences extremly useless (Though this is kinda a rare thought) and value it at much less than what another might. on the other hand, someone may need a large ammounts of atlantean essences, and so every atlantean essences is worth more to them than someone who is just looking at them.
For all who’ve answered, I’d appreciate if you can point others who haven’t here. I wanna collect as much data as I can. I’d appriciate it a ton if any you all do this.
You can always consider personal values sure, but those values are anything but consistent and widespread. Sure there is a chance that you can get a ssword for 5k from someone who just doesnt care about value, but i doubt even 2% of ssword owners would sell it for 5k. Thus it isnt really worth mentioning those values when talking about an item’s value. 60k is basically the marketplace’s rate so thats why id put essences at 60k (as a fair price = marketprice)