play my game for like a minute

I need to cash out those sweet premium payout stonks lol

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Wait what?

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he wants money

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l m ao

but im watching anime… ;_;

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anime opens up true power.

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You need a single premium user to be on for at least half an hour before they gain you any revenue, also just half an hour gives like 2 robux.

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I guess I’ll repost when I actually add content to my game

good luck xd

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i just lost my premium a week ago xd


Build a random premium friend a statue, memorial, or any structure dedicated to their great existence and watch as they sit in awe and generate you unrivaled profits of 4 cents an hour for half an hour. Worked for me.

But seriously I literally just made a private admin house for this one group using a free admin from toolbox and like 3 models I made in 15 minutes. This dude got so addicted to his own admin house and abusing his group members that I earned a whole 30 or something robux just from him having premium. It’s not a lot but it’s useful to have in case I need to upload a short audio clip for one of my games.

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too lazy

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Then how did I get a 600+ robux premium payout from my game?

2 robux per half hour = 334 hours total playtime
334 hours/31 visits = ~10.77 hour average visit length
And that’s assuming every visit is from a premium user

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I have no idea since I haven’t looked at the stats for my game or transactions in a long time, the number I said was just a rough estimate based on what I remember I had gotten before. I think it might have to do with the percentage of time a premium user spent on your game specifically out of all the time they spent on roblox games for 28 days. There’s a bit more info on it here.

Either way I’m surprised you got that much robux from premium payouts, especially just 31 visits.

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Im premium and ending in 1 day
me sad ;(

i think payouts were sextupled or something since early/mid 2020, so you might be looking at data from very early 2020, idk

I hopped on the game and noticed you can change the name of the stamina bar

“it’s not a glitch, it’s a feature”