Auctionhouse in a Tank (Selling Boss Drops for Galleons)

Auctionhouse in a Tank (Selling Boss Drops for Galleons)
convenience 3.333333333333333 3 fairness 3.666666666666667 3 trustworthiness 3.0 2

Cram yourself into this metallic hellhole and take a look at whatever I can muster.

This is a Dutch Auction, where I will fix the initial price (which prolly isn’t gonna be pretty nor fair) of an item in Galleons. yes, galleons.

If you don't know what a Dutch Auction is

Over time, the price will become cheaper and cheaper until someone buys the item up. You can either risk someone snatching it while waiting for the price drop, or pay a high price to get it early. Your choice.

This topic will be continuously updated whenever I lower the price or put something new up on the auction. I’ll keep it simple and basic for the first few items and then move on to more ambitious deals once I know how to work this thing out.


Lot 1: TBD

Lot 2: TBD

Lot 3: TBD

Q&A because someone told me to

Q: Why are you ripping yourself off by offering rare items for basic money?
A: Because I’m satisfied with my greedy rampage to collect boss drops for now, until Dark Sea content/New storyline gets added. I have full strong calvus set and most of the meta weapons, so I have little use for an earlier boss’s gear apart from strictly trading. (Aint no way Im taking Elius armor into a 1v1 against a Thermo Fist maniac who can do like 2500 hp in 2 seconds).

Q: Why hasn’t the price dropped at the scheduled time?
A: My dementia.

Q: Why are the lots empty?
A: Either I forgot to add something new in, Im broke asf at the moment and I have nothing to offer, or I just dont need Galleons right now. Dont worry, this is my go-to topic to get some quick cash when I dont want to run cargo for 6 hours a day, so check back periodically because I dont think anyone else in the forum is dumb enough to trade rare shit for galleons (shameless self-advertisement).

Q: Is there any way to predict your bogus costs?
A: Lmao no 9 times out of 10 Im just pulling a number out of my ass and it mostly has something to do with my mood at that moment in time, i.e. if I farmed Argos 30 times for his lance Id definitely make it more expensive than if I just got it from 5 tries.


Im drunk

a creative idea

Time to be the AO loot goblin

gonna have to do this only every 24 hours because school is a pain

right, I should prolly mention that if the price drops to free without anyone buying it, Ima just keep the item lmao this isn’t a giveaway

damn! it got taken. was waiting for it to drop a bit more