DM: Douche#5015
Best offer: Clean sunken sword / x2 Strong oaths
DM: Douche#5015
Best offer: Clean sunken sword / x2 Strong oaths
Take that offer bro he offered some good stuff
I still want better offers
Want a level 0 dagger?
Those exist i had one from chest
You sure? It’s a glitched item, I’ll buy it off you for a strong vastira if you actually have one.
yes im not dumb. And i do have one and i wont
Can you screeny? I can trade sunken swords.
Screeny what? THE sunken sworD?
The level 0 dagger
Level is this one of your crude PvP jokes
Na, why would I ever joke on the forums. Level 0 dagger best weapon
swift sunken + clean woj + hard vast + crowns?.
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