Auctioning the legendary gamer Mimhere

Put your offers in the comments. Mimhere will be sold to the highest bidder.


2 crowns and a poor agility amulet finalbid


a kiss and a hug

1 Like

I’ll pay you 4 Taco Bell coupons that are already expired, you can use them for stuff, not sure why or how you would use them but they are useful, trust me.

34 headless

At this point there is no competition.

1 doubloon and a kiss from doc. Take it or leave it.

I will create the full Mimhere Island in Roblox Studio and ping Vetex to add it in.

Hmm :eyes:

a woomy picture idk

2 dabluens and noble nudes

Burnt can

fuck yall, 40 galleons

At that point you are overpaying, unless the soda is already gone, in which case it’s a good idea

hmm ill consider it

What can mimhere do?

why buy something so useless smh. I mean unless they leak updates @Mimhere confirm you leak to buyer :youpieceof:
