Automated Equipment Pages (Miraheze Wiki Development Update!)

if you can provide a link I would HAPPILY like to help edit and do some stuff, I truly think the Wiki fandom is corrupted and I wanna help make a BETTER wiki.

Here’s a link to the wiki:

And here’s a link to our discord server (for communications):

Yall just be stealing. Write your own pages at least!
I know you cheated because you even put the awakenings into the Fighting Styles page, I don’t even know why we did that, so you would only do that if you copied.

edit the wiki to change it then

Well I addressed it to the guy who decided it, and he was just like “yeah, we do that”.

And if you mean editing that one no.

No more stealing the Fandom Wiki’s writing!

we are going to have to tell that guy that stealing information from the fandom wiki isn’t going to solve the misinformation problem that was a major reason why we even wanted to make a new wiki in the first place

refer to above
also it was the blitzdevil guy copypasting everything and not our team (blitz joined our discord after copypasting stuff)

updated the pages